We make sure our children go for their yearly well visits, but does the same apply for us? When was the last well visit you made for YOU?
Moms facing off this week
Audrey McClelland, founder of Mom Generations, and Melissa Gardner, founder of Filling Our Bucket.
The scenario
From the time you have a baby, you’re making well visits with your doctor because you want to make sure your child is healthy.
You remember that baby well visit, right?
One-week well visit. Two-week well visit. Four-week well visit. Two-month well visit. Six-month well visit. One-year well visit. And then each year to year to year.
Let’s face it — you never miss a doctor visit when it comes to your child. It’s ingrained within your psyche to not miss a thing.
But what about YOU? You’re running all over the place — do you keep up on yourself? Do the same rules apply?
Question: Do you regularly go for your yearly well visit?
I’m embarrassed to admit this, but I’ve been horrible keeping up with my well visits. I finally went for one three weeks ago, and it was the first time in three years! Three years! That’s not good, I know.
I was actually worried to go in because I was afraid my blood work or my blood pressure or something wouldn’t look good. The longer I stayed away, the more I justified it. It’s not the way I want to be with my health, but life gets so busy and crazy and non-stop that when I turn around to think about myself, so much time has passed. My kids and my husband are the ones always on my mind, not my own health.
It’s funny — in my head, I kept trying to rationalize it all: I’m young, I feel healthy and I take care of myself. All that is true, but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be getting checked once a year by a professional. We’ll see if I’m good at keeping track since I’m due for another visit next February!
An apple a day will keep the doctor away? Not for this mom! I’ve always been a big believer in seeing my doctor every year. Like clockwork, sometime in the first week of June, I’ll be visiting my doctor’s office for my annual exam and physical.
I believe it is really important to be proactive about my health. With some of my family history, and some of my own health history, it is important for me to get in there each year, talk about how things have been going and make sure all is well. If I didn’t do that, I am pretty sure I would constantly be worried that something is wrong and would be using WebMD way too much!
Getting my yearly check-up is an easy way to keep myself sane and more importantly, healthy! I’ll still eat my apples, but I’ll make that yearly visit too, just to be sure!
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