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Slow the weekend whirlwind

One minute, we’re kicking off our shoes on Friday night, and the next, we’re scrambling around trying to figure out how it’s already Sunday night. Here’s how to squeeze in as many happy family memories into the weekend as possible.

One weekend at a time

One minute, we’re kicking off our shoes on Friday night, and the next, we’re scrambling around trying to figure out how it’s already Sunday night. Here’s how to squeeze in as many happy family memories into the weekend as possible.

Many people list Monday mornings as the toughest time of the week.

I disagree.

For me, the worst moment of the week is Sunday night, about an hour before we put the kids to bed. In those moments, as the weekend winds to a close, melancholy always overtakes me, and I wish I could rewind to Friday night to redo the weekend.

In those moments, I want more snuggles, more laughter and more joy. I would give anything for just another day with all four of us together before the craziness of the week begins.

I’m still looking for the pause button, but in the meantime, to take the sting out of Sunday nights, I’ve tried a few things to slow the weekend whirlwind.

Make a list

Take some time on Friday night or Saturday morning to list off the things each member of your family would like to do over the weekend. It’s likely you won’t be able to tackle it all, but having a list of fun ideas will help you understand what brings each person happiness and will enable you to pack as much joy into the weekend as possible.

Family time brings families closer together >>

Say no

Our family policy has become pretty simple — we do things that bring us closer and allow for quality family time. We say no to invitations and distractions that take us away from our time together. The weekends are too short to commit to things that aren’t an investment in our family.

Create a ritual

Whether it’s pizza and a movie on Fridays nights to kick off the weekend or Saturday morning pancake parties, having something the entire family enjoys and helps bring a sense of celebration to the weekend is a wonderful way to bond as a family.

Skip the chores

OK, clearly you can’t escape household chores for the entire weekend, but choose one day when chores are simply off limits. Of course, we have so much to do, but those chores keep us from spontaneous bike rides, stolen afternoons in the hammock with our kids and family walks at dusk.

Learn how to find more family time >>


Make it a family routine to spend the last moments of the weekend recapping all you did. Have each member of your family recount the weekend and share their favorite moments. By taking the time to do this, you’ll see the time you spent together truly matters, you’ll learn what has made a lasting impression and you’ll relive the joy you felt over the past two days.

Weekends are our reward for making it through a long week. They also bring with them the opportunity to reconnect as a family before another long week. Enjoy every single moment!

More on quality time

6 Ways to maximize your family’s time together
Family time with fun and creativity
7 Ways to make your family a priority

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