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How to get an IEP for your child without pulling your hair out

Step 4: Attend the IEP meeting

Within 30 calendar days from the time it is determined your child is eligible, an IEP meeting must take place to write the IEP. The school system will schedule the meeting and notify parents of the date, time and location. It’s very important that you attend this meeting. You are also welcome to invite other people (such as private therapists) to attend. During the meeting, the IEP will be written — placement, services, goals and other details to be decided upon.

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Step 5: Speak up if you disagree

If you don’t agree with the IEP, talk to the IEP team and voice your concerns. If the issues are not resolved to your satisfaction, you can request mediation or file a complaint with the state education agency.

Step 6: Make sure the IEP is carried out

You will given a copy of your child’s IEP. Remember that this is a legal document. It’s the school’s responsibility to make sure the IEP is followed. The parent will receive the child’s progress reports on a regular basis. All accommodations, modifications and services must be provided to the child as stated in the IEP. If at any point you believe the IEP is not being followed, you should voice your concern to the teacher and other school officials.

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Step 7: Follow up as necessary

Every IEP is reviewed at least once a year. If you (or the school) believe the IEP needs revised, you can request a meeting to review it at any time. Additionally, the child must be evaluated every three years to determine if he/she is still a “child with a disability” as defined by IDEA. Parents or teachers can also request a new evaluation at any time.

Originally published April 2012. Updated July 2016.

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