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Cookies and breast milk, anybody?

An Oreo advertisement featuring a nursing baby eyeing an Oreo cookie was leaked, quickly went viral and generated a lot of controversy. Read on to find out why.

A breastmilk and cookie ad never meant for public eyes has become the inadvertent champion of breastfeeding moms everywhere — and the bane of existence for those who’d prefer to see a little less nipple.

Cheil Worldwide, an independent advertising agency, came up with the ad to use during an awards gathering in South Korea. The ad was leaked (no pun intended) and quickly gained momentum as the public was either thrilled or disturbed by it.

Totally unnecessary

Some moms thought the ad was over the top, regardless of the fact it wasn’t intended for display in South Korea — or anywhere, for that matter. “This is just a little too ‘in your face’ for me,” said Cathy from Texas. “I understand breastfeeding … I’ve done it, I plan on doing it again, but on the other hand — we don’t see formula-feeding moms making these ‘statements’ with ads. I think the message that ‘breast is best’ doesn’t have to be thrown in the faces of those who choose not to.”

Charlene, mom of two, agreed. “I do think the ad is cute, but why not cover the nipple a bit or show the baby from behind?” she explained. “Like it or not, breasts are sexual. I wouldn’t feel comfortable with my kids seeing someone’s nipple.”

Super adorable

Other moms felt the ad was fabulous. “I love the photo, and the ad is funny,” said Talei, mom of two. “The grump in me is irritated by the idea of a baby with an Oreo cookie, but maybe that is just a general hatred of feeling like I am always being sold something. Love the fact it features breastfeeding as normal and beautiful (including the bit of nipple. It happens).”

Brooke from California agreed. “It’s hilarious and adorable,” she told us. “I love it.”

Amanda from Missouri thought the ad was great but did have one concern. “The only thing that bothers me about it is that it looks like mom is about to get bit!” she said. “This is not an example of a good latch… baby is distracted, and that’s when accidents happen. Been there, done that. Otherwise, I love it.”

Going viral

Even though the ad wasn’t intended for public use, it sure got a lot of play on the Internet — including Facebook, where it was pulled as fast as it was posted, as per the site’s usual rules about breastfeeding photos. The ad generated a ton of commentary and controversy based on the blogs we’ve seen around the Internet. Like it or not, you might now suddenly want an Oreo cookie. Do you?

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Photo credit: Cheil Worldwide, Seoul, South Korea

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