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10 easy-peasy tips for planning your baby’s first birthday

Kind of like a wedding, your baby’s first birthday party is probably the event you’ve been looking forward to for their entire life. (No pressure.) And while your little guy or gal isn’t technically going to remember all the blood, sweat and tears you put into planning — you know you’re going to be showing them these pictures for decades, so they need to be awesome.

It may be tempting to rent out a pizza place or a kid’s activity center, but you’re going to have plenty of years to pour your money down the drain in the future — trust us. At a time when a baby is just learning to walk and talk, you can save money and your sanity by keeping your party location close to home.

5. Pick the perfect time

You know your kid better than anyone, and that’s what counts when choosing the ideal time window to minimize the odds of a meltdown at their birthday party. While the morning can be bustling and full of activity, most parents recommend starting the first birthday party right after naptime, at about 4 p.m., guaranteeing a few hours of cuteness before the witching hour hits.

Next Up: Pick a theme

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