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Zen Baby Names for Your Little Yogi

So you’ve got a baby on the way. While you may be hoping for a chilled-out kid and tranquil nights ahead, you know that’s probably not what you’re in for, right? If you’d like to up your chances for a calm baby, you might as well hedge your bets and give kiddo a name that’s as peaceful as you hope they’ll be.

Will that actually change their personality? Probably not, but the baby names ahead are filled with enlightened Zen vibes — so you never know. Let your intuition be your guide, and this kid will be meditating in no time.

More:It’s Time to Stop the Baby-Name Shaming

Boy names

Hoping for a chill little guy? These boy names all have meanings that are peaceful and calm.

Girl names

These classic and modern names all mean “peace,” “calm” and “harmony.”

While you probably noticed several familiar names on this list, there are plenty of unique options too. Peaceful parents of all walks of life — and naming styles — can find the perfect moniker to add to their list of potentials. And if there’s a name here that piques your interest, but you’re not sure if it will work on top of a résumé when they’re an adult, consider moving it to the middle name spot. (“Paz” is one monosyllabic option that would work with nearly any first name.) 

With names like these, you’re bound to get the calm, peaceful baby you’re hoping for. Or at least one who can Downward-Dog with the best of them.

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