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Summer hours for the WAHM

When you work in an office environment, sometimes summer brings a fun treat: summer work hours. But don’t worry, work-at-home-moms. You can have summer hours too. Here’s how.

Work-at-home moms

Work how you want this summer, mama

When you work in an office environment, sometimes summer brings a fun treat: summer work hours. But don’t worry, work-at-home-moms. You can have summer hours too. Here’s how.

The first time I heard about summer work hours, I was intrigued and excited. I was an associate editor at a children’s publisher and our company allowed us to condense our five-day, 40-hour workweek into four-and-a-half days. Unfortunately, at the time I had a young son at daycare over an hour away and there was just no way to transfer those four hours from Friday to the other days of the week.

Once I became a work-at-home mom though everything changed — including my ability to have summer hours. Here are some ways that you can set summer hours as a WAHM and reap the benefits.

Work four days

Usually you are all about the five day work week. But it’s summer and your kids want you to enjoy it with them. So working four days? It will be blissful.

The strategy: Condense your work day into four packed business days. The key is do more with the time you have.

The plan: Streamline your work, adding an hour or two to each of the other days to compensate for the day off.

The benefit: Having a three-day weekend all summer will leave you time to travel, plan fun excursions with the kids and more.

Work half days

Cut your workweek in half (literally) all summer. While this won’t work for employees who work at home, this is great for freelancers.

The strategy: Work only mornings or only afternoons so that you have the rest of the day for fun with the kids.

The plan: Cut back on work if you are currently working full days and condensing all work into a few hours each day.

The benefit: You only need part-time childcare (if any). And you will have lots of time to enjoy the zoo, the beach and lots of laughs with your kids.

Work nights only

Who wants to spend days slaving away at a desk when one of the big benefits of working at home is the flexibility?

The strategy: Fit a four- to eight-hour work day into the evening hours (and perhaps the morning too, if necessary).

The plan: Move your working hours to evenings and nights, (perhaps some early mornings too). You’ll have to be really focused during your work hours.

The benefit: Your days are free to spend with your kids. You don’t need any childcare, since you are essentially working when they are asleep only.

More on working from home

Summer vacation childcare options for WAHM
Deciding to be a work-at-home mom
Work at home, spend less

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