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Must-have apps for summertime for the WAHM

Turn your smartphone into a mobile office so that you can manage your time and still have a fun summer.

The words summer vacation bring a whole lot of meaning for parents — less structure and more freedom. But it also means more challenges, especially if you work at home. How can you balance your work responsibilities with your responsibility to your children? How can you have fun and still do a lot?

Make your smartphone or iPad work for you. Seriously. These powerful mobile devices can change everything if you have the right apps.

These six apps are designed to make your work life easier this summer by allowing you to take your business on the road, accessing documents, taking notes and filling out forms on-the-go. You can even blog and chat.


Dropbox operates as a hub for all your files, allowing you to easily share (and protect!) your photos, videos, docs, PDFs and more between all your devices. So you can take everything with you wherever the summer leads you and your children.


You know that feeling when you really need to remember something but you can’t? Evernote helps with that. It allows you to store notes, record audio reminders and more. So when that thought comes to you, you can make it last.

PDF Expert

PDFs can be accessed, annotated, filled in and more with PDF Expert. So when that killer contract comes in while you and your kids are at the beach, you can fill it out and send it back without missing a beat.

Dragon Dictation

Are you a big multitasking mom? If so, Dragon Dictation is for you. It’s a speech recognition software that turns your talking into text so that you can prepare emails, blog posts, tweets and more without typing. Think of the possibilities.


If blogging is part of your career, you are going to want the WordPress app. It allows you to prepare blog posts on your iPhone or iPad easily, inserting photos and more. So there is no need to lug around your laptop this summer.

Chat for Google Talk

Keep up with all your contacts wherever you are with this Google Chat app. It has push notifications for new messages, allows you to send and receive photos and also saves your chat transcripts.

More on working at home this summer

Summer hours for the WAHM
Summer vacation childcare options for WAHMs
Deciding to be a work-at-home mom

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