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9 natural morning sickness fixes that moms swear by

4. Grapefruit

This tip may be a one-off, but it’s healthy enough that it’s worth trying. According to one mother of two girls who struggled with morning sickness during her first trimester morning, noon and night, eating grapefruit was the only thing that could hold off the symptoms for a good 45 minutes. In addition to munching on grapefruit to settle the stomach, Zaida Khaze of Wiggletot Diaper Changer recommends listening to what your body is craving. “It is fair to say I was eating grapefruit all day, every day. I wonder if that was my body telling me I had a folic acid deficiency.”

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5. Eat before you feel sick

As Pope explains, trying to eat when you have morning sickness may seem counterintuitive, but it’s exactly what your body needs to keep nausea to a minimum. If you’ve noticed a pattern of feeling sick at a certain time of day, try to eat before the morning sickness strikes. Pope says, “Morning sickness is one of those things that is helped by exactly the opposite of what you feel like doing. Whatever you can get down, small amounts and often!”

Dr. Sherry Ross, M.D., OB-GYN and women’s health expert at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, agrees, saying, “Eating small meals every two hours, high in protein, helps stabilize blood sugar levels and minimize symptoms associated with morning sickness.”

6. Bland carbohydrates

The old crackers-and-soup-on-a-sick-day trick seems to hold water, which means Mom may have been on to something. When nausea strikes and your appetite disappears, Dr. Ashe recommends filling up on soothing, plain foods, like “crackers or dry cereals and other bland complex carbohydrates.” Dr. Ross adds, “Saltine crackers are quite helpful!”

7. Vitamin B6

Bringing your nausea down to a manageable level may all come down to a vitamin deficiency. Dr. Ross says, “Vitamin B6 (25 milligrams) taken three times a day has been effective for nausea and vomiting in pregnancy. It’s not clear how it works but has a great track record.” And while Dr. Ashe agrees, she reminds us that it is still important to consult with your doctor before beginning any new vitamins or supplements during pregnancy.

Next up:Acupressure

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