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Being a digital mom: How to connect with brands online

As a mom blogger, one way in which we make money is by working with brands and companies. The big question becomes — “How do you connect with the ones you love?” Here are four ways.

Connecting with your favorite brands online is as easy as 1-2-3

As a mom blogger, one way in which we make money is by working with brands and companies. The big question becomes — “How do you connect with the ones you love?” Here are four ways.

It’s the most frequently asked question I get from mom bloggers: “How do you connect with brands online?”

And I understand why because this is the way we make money.

The one thing I most love about being a blogger is that I can write about anything I want on my blog. There’s nobody to give me limitations. There’s nobody to report to. There’s nobody giving me any direction. That being said, I can write about any brand or company that my heart desires, and that’s a pretty cool thing to be able to do.

  • If I love a particular toy, I can write about it.
  • If I love a particular food, I can write about it.
  • If I love a particular blouse, I can write about it.

But how do you turn that into potential money? It’s all about connecting with these brands online. The brands you love. The brands you’re loyal to. The brands you (quite honestly) can’t live without.

I want to share this week, four ways to connect with brands online. It’s not as hard as you think, and anyone can do it. It doesn’t matter if you’re a newbie mom blogger or a seasoned mom blogger, connecting with brands is one of the most important blogging business moves you can make (that is, if you’re creating your blog to potentially make an income).

Read more on how to start a mom blog >>


Twitter is a beautiful thing. I’ve said it before and I will say it again, Twitter is my new Google. If I want to find something out, I tweet it. If I need a contact to a brand, I tweet it. If I want to share something about a brand, I tweet it. Believe me, brands are on Twitter. If you’re looking to get in touch with a brand, tweet them. It’s that simple. I would say I have (easily) made contact with 50 brands simply because of Twitter.

Google it

You can pretty much find anything on Google. One strategy I’ve done when googling a brand is type in something like “” to get direct emails at a brand or company. From there, start looking at job titles to see the closest connection you can get to what contact you want. Perhaps you type “PR,” which would pop up emails in the PR department at Kohl’s. This is just an example, but a way to start compiling those names/emails.


Blog about a brand and you never know what may happen. Good things have come from when people blog about what they love. Many brands and companies set up Google alerts, so a brand may actually happen to see a post you write. That’s always a good thing, so keep that in mind when you’re writing about a brand or company. My advice: always tweet your links with their handle attached and post on their Facebook wall, too.

Press Releases

It’s always a good thing to search “press releases” of a brand and/or of products you’re interested in. On the bottom of every press release is contact information for the brand/company. I know many people who look up brand contact info this way and it’s an easy way to do it.

More on being an online mom

The many benefits of starting a blog
Balancing work and motherhood
Build your online presence

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