Bubbly beverages for kids are synonymous with summer. But, before you toss that empty soda bottle into the recycle bin, you may want to find out how it can bust summer boredom for the afternoon while also offering a lesson in upcycling. From rocket pack crafts to flower stamp activities, discover five soda bottle crafts for kids.
Soda bottle rocket packs
Your kids will blast off with this soda bottle craft that will kick off a summer filled with fun!
- 2 empty and dried soda bottles
- Tin foil
- Small rectangle of cardboard
- Hot glue or double-sided tape
- Duct tape
- Crepe paper — orange, yellow or red
- Scissors
- Discard soda bottle caps and cover soda bottles with tin foil, securing with hot glue or double-sided tape.
- Lay bottles side-by-side on top of the rectangle piece of cardboard and secure together with hot glue and duct tape, leaving both open ends facing toward you.
- Cut four equal lengths of duct tape, sticking tacky sides of two pieces together but leaving ends apart to adhere near the top and then near the bottom of each soda bottle on the cardboard side for straps; repeat for second strap.
- Cut and crinkle crepe paper and glue one end to the inside of each soda bottle for the flames.
- Help your child put on rocket packs with “flames” side down and discover how long he can make those annoying rocket sounds that make him so happy!
Kids’ noisemaker activities
Kids can shake, rattle and roll their way around summer with these homemade noisemakers that can turn the dullest day into an instant music fest.
- Empty and dried soda bottle with label removed
- Art supplies such as markers, paint, stickers and glitter
- Pebbles, dried beans or dried rice
- Glue
- Give your youngster the clean soda bottle and craft supplies to decorate the outside and allow to dry if need be.
- Depending on your kids’ age, fill decorated soda bottle with pebbles, dried beans or dried rice.
- Smear a small bit of glue on the outside threads of the soda bottle and replace cap to ensure that the noisy ingredients remain inside and aren’t potential choking hazards.
- Encourage your child to shake and turn the bottle in different ways to explore the different sounds the noisemaker can create.
- And, don’t forget to dance along to the beat!
Ready for more upcycling? Check out these 5 strawberry basket crafts and activities >>
Ocean in a (soda) bottle
Capture the adventures of the sea when you turn a recycled soda bottle into a fun summer craft for kids.
- Empty and clean soda bottle with label removed and cap set aside
- Clear mineral oil or vegetable oil
- Water
- Funnel
- Blue food coloring
- Small shells and floatable toy sea creatures
- Glue
- Fill empty soda bottle half way with water, adding a few drops of blue food coloring.
- Add sea creatures and shells.
- Using the funnel, fill the bottle the rest of the way with vegetable oil.
- Dry bottle threads, apply glue and replace cap to seal.
- Turn bottle on its side and create waves by gently rocking soda bottle back and forth; but remember that any color and any critters can be added to create your child’s own water wonderland.
Soda bottle terrarium
With an activity that not only encourages upcycling but also teaches kids to grow their own flora, Mother Nature is sure to give this summer craft double thumbs up!
- Empty and clean soda bottle with label removed and cap set aside
- Sharp scissors or craft knife
- Potting soil
- Seeds or sprouted plant
- Water
- Measuring 1/3 from the bottom, separate soda bottle into two parts by making a horizontal cut completely around the diameter of the bottle; set aside top 2/3 of the bottle.
- Fill bottom section with potting soil.
- Plant a few seeds or a small plant into the soil and lightly water.
- Fit top section of the bottle over the outside of the bottom section, with cap replaced.
- Place in a sunny spot and watch your kiddos anxiously await their seeds to sprout, and don’t forget to water occasionally!
Get tips on gardening for picky eaters >>
Soda bottle flower stamps
Take your kiddos outdoors to create summery flower stamps using the bottom of a recycled soda bottle and whatever will stand still!
- Recycled soda bottle
- Paper plates
- Tempura paint in color of your choice
- Craft paper, T-shirt, canvas bag or any paintable surface of your choice
- Pour small amount of paint onto paper plates.
- Dip bottom end of empty soda bottle into paint.
- Stamp paint pattern onto craft paper, T-shirt or surface of your choice.
- Repeat dip and stamp for each flower.
- Set your masterpiece aside and let your kids run wild as they wait for the paint to dry!
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5 Cool summer crafts for kids
4 Summer crafts and activities kids will love
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