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Sensory Processing Disorder: Every family has a story

Isaac, 8

Jaelithe Judy is a writer and blogger. Find her at and contributing at MOMocrats.

At Isaac’s third birthday party, he refused to eat the cake, screamed at the sight of the candles, and burst into tears and hid in his room for an hour because my in-laws insisted on singing “Happy Birthday” even though I’d warned them not to. After the guests left I hid in my own room and cried, wondering if my son would ever enjoy parties, or spontaneous singing, or even just cake.

A few weeks ago we celebrated Isaac’s eighth birthday by taking him to a bouncy playground, where he spent an hour jumping and screaming with an entire class of third graders plus the kids who live next door. He laughed when his friends mixed up the birthday song on purpose. He blew out the candles he’d picked out himself (although he was disappointed that I wouldn’t let him get the trick kind). And then he inhaled his birthday cupcakes. Just like any other kid.

Isaac shares:

When I was little, I used to have a hard time writing. I like how I improved at school with help from my OTs. I am learning cursive now. I also have learned a typing program called Type To Learn. (I used my skills from the program to type this.) I want to be a scientist when I grow up, and I might one day use these communication skills to tell people about studies I am doing and theories I have.

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