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How to test your baby’s bottle temperature

Breastfed babies receive their milk at the perfect temperature, always ready to go. When feeding from a bottle, however, how do you know your baby is getting the contents neither too hot nor too cold? What is the best way to warm a cold bottle? Check out these bottle temp tips from baby and toddler expert Blythe Lipman.

Step 1: No nukes

Never heat baby’s bottle in the microwave. They do not cook evenly and can leave dangerous “hot spots” for baby, whose mouth or throat could be burned.

Step 2: Insulate

Use a cup or glass that is a little wider than the bottle and fill it with hot tap water, leaving enough room for the bottle. Set the cup of water in the sink to manage any spillage and put the bottle in the cup. Let it warm gradually.

Step 3: Test

Once you think the milk has reached the desired temperature, take the bottle and sprinkle a few drops on the most sensitive part of your arm — the inside of your wrist. If it is ready for the baby to drink, the milk should feel warm, not hot or cold. If it is too cold, put it back in the cup with freshly heated tap water. If it is too warm, let it cool until, like “porridge,” it tests just right!

Step 4: No-no

Do not use your finger to test the milk’s temperature; your hands are full of bacteria that can be dangerous for baby. Same goes for testing it with your mouth by taking a swig — yuck.

More baby feeding tips

Bottle feeding baby
Use both breast and bottle
Bottle feeding essentials

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