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These 4th of July crafts are perfect for kids with a spark of creativity

3. American flag tissue paper wreath


  • Elmer’s Bi-Fold Foam Board
  • X-ACTO Gripster Knife
  • Red, white and blue tissue paper
  • Glue pen
  • Pencil
  • Ruler

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  1. On one side of the Elmer’s Bi-Fold Foam Board, draw a circle with a pencil.
  2. With the knife, carefully cut out the circle.
  3. Mark 1 1/2-inch marks on the inside of the circle every inch or so, using your ruler.
  4. Carefully cut out the inside circle to make the wreath base.
  5. Mark a square in one corner of the wreath and then mark lines across and down the remainder of the wreath.
  6. Tear multiple 3-inch by 3-inch squares of red, white and blue tissue paper.
  7. Pinch the middle of each tissue square while gently pulling the ends upward.
  8. Apply the glue to the square section and carefully place each blue tissue piece until the area is covered.
  9. Apply the glue to the line section and carefully place each red tissue piece until the area is covered.
  10. Repeat step nine — alternating red and white — until the wreath is completely covered.

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