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Prep your medicine cabinet for summer

With summer fun come bumps, bruises, scrapes, itchy rashes, bee stings, sunburns and cuts.

Now’s the perfect time to peek inside your medicine cabinet, toss out all expired first aid supplies and restock with everything you’ll need to treat common summer injuries.

In an ideal world, childhood summers would be filled with fun and happy kids and no one would ever get hurt. But in reality, with the long days of summer, come childhood injuries and being prepared for them will help you to react to and treat whatever comes their way.

But before you can stock your medicine cabinet, you’ll have to do some inventory to see what you already have, what’s still good and what has expired and should be tossed.

Quick tip:
To dispose of expired medications, don’t flush them down the toilet, as previously recommended, unless the label specifically tells you to do so.

To dispose of expired medications, don’t flush them down the toilet, as previously recommended, unless the label specifically tells you to do so. To dispose of most drugs, simply take them out of their original containers and mix them with used coffee grounds, kitty litter or sawdust, which will make them far less appealing to children and animals. Then, place them in a sealable bag to prevent them from breaking loose in your garbage bag.

For more detailed information, please visit Smarxt Disposal™, a partnership between the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the American Pharmacists Association, and the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America.

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Once you’ve sorted through everything you have and will keep, you’re ready to fill in the gaps.

For bumps and bruises

  • Arnica gel
  • Ice packs in several sizes

For pre and post sun care

  • Broad spectrum sunscreen ?with a minimum SPF 15 
  • Burn relief spray with lidocaine, such as Solarcaine
  • Aloe vera gel

For general pain, body aches and headaches

  • Children’s Ibuprofen
  • Children’s Tylenol
  • Aspirin

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For allergies and itching from rashes, poison ivy, poison oak and bug bites

  • Children’s antihistamine, such as Benedryl
  • Hydrocortisone anti-itch cream
  • Calamine lotion
  • Eye drops
  • Insect bite reliever, such as AfterBite

For cuts, scrapes and burns

  • Bandages, gauze and medical tape
  • Antiseptic, such as hydrogen peroxide
  • Alcohol pads to clean the area surrounding a wound
  • Antibiotic ointment for wounds, such as Neosporin
  • Aloe vera gel

We wish you a wonderful and safe summer during which you won’t need most of the items that you’ll stock in your updated medicine cabinet!

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