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What I’m loving this week: Best potty training products

Potty training can be one of the most difficult things to get your child to do on his own. There are some “tricks of the trade” products that can help you during this challenging time. Here are my favorite five products.

Don’t wet your pants!

Potty training can be one of the most difficult things to get your child to do on his own. There are some “tricks of the trade” products that can help you during this challenging time. Here are my favorite five products.

Potty training can be brutal.

Absolutely, positively brutal.

I have potty trained four children, all boys. I never, ever fathomed that pee could fly as high or as sideways as it did during my potty training time. With all of my sons, they needed to be trained by the time they turned 3 years old or they couldn’t enter preschool. My husband and I were on a mission to make sure they weren’t only trained, but that they had it down pat! The last thing we wanted was to have to hold them back simply because they weren’t potty trained yet.

Not to mention, we were ready to get the boys out of diapers. When our youngest came home from the hospital, we had three boys in diapers and one in Pull-ups. It was crazy! Every week we’d drive to Target and stock up on the week’s diapers. To say we couldn’t wait for them to be potty trained is an understatement.

I personally enlisted a little help from some potty training products. I didn’t have time to wait it out or do a speed-potty-training weekend. I wanted to find products that would help me keep them in a routine, and help me keep it fun for them. I think one point that many moms (and dads) miss is that you want your child to be excited about being trained too; you don’t want them frustrated by it.

Since it seems that all my girlfriends right now have a child in the potty training mode, I thought I’d write this week’s column on the five potty training products that I love the best!

Read more on potty training secrets >>

Potty training products


Time it

Potty Time Potty Watch Training Timer — This worked wonders for all of my boys. You literally set the timer to either every 30, 60 or 90 minutes. When the timer goes off, they try and go to the bathroom. It’s easy and keeps them on a set schedule and routine.


Perfect the aim

Tinkle Targets — If you have boys, these are a must have. Potty training can be fun with the Tinkle Targets. Your son literally will have a blast trying to aim at the target. It’s one of the best inventions for potty training boys. It shows them to aim at the water and keep it centered.


Get benched

Boon Potty Training Bench — I got a new one of these for all my sons and labeled their name right on it. Every toddler needs a potty, but this is like the Cadillac of them all! It’s their very own potty bench. They can have their own domain to learn how to go to the “big girl and big boy” bathroom. I actually miss seeing this around my house!


Training partner

Corolle Special Feature Baby Doll Emma Drink-and-Wet Bath Baby — What better way to teach, right? Corolle offers baby dolls for girls (and boys, too!) that get your child prepared for potty training while they teach their doll. The dolls come with their very own potty! My son Ben had the boy doll named Paul and it was such a big help. For the little ladies, this will be a huge help!


Reward them

Sesame Street Potty Training Rewards Kit — Rewards help, big time! And there’s nothing wrong with rewarding, it’s actually very helpful. I love this reward kit from Sesame Street because it’s so age-appropriate and fun. There are colorful stickers and a chart; it’s just a very “big boy” and “big girl” thing to do. Hang it right up in the bathroom!

More on potty training

6 Best kept potty training secrets
Been there! Done that! Toilet training tips
How to tell when you child is ready for potty training

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