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5 Ways to bring your family closer together

With summer coming to an end and school about to start, your family members’ schedules are about to fill up. But don’t forget to pencil in some family time! Whether your kids are 5 or 15, it’s important to make some time to connect as a family.

Bonding with your kids

Check out these easy ways to increase your family time and connect with your kids.


Family dinner

Between late work meetings and kids’ soccer practice, it might be a little unrealistic to assume everyone will gather around the dinner table for a meal and conversation on a nightly basis. Regardless how hectic your schedule, make time for family dinner at least one or two nights a week.

Check out these tips for fitting in family time >>

Don’t let mealtime pass by without talking! Between bites ask how school was, where the next ballet recital is going to be held or who your kids played with on the playground.


Family outing

Bring your family closer by planning some fun family outings that all ages can enjoy. Check out a trampoline park, mini golf or bowling lane in your area where everyone in your family can participate. We guarantee a few laughs, too.

Check out our top 10 family time activities >>


Family hobby

Increase family time by starting up a family hobby or routine. This could be anything from taking a bike ride around your neighborhood after dinner to working on a scrapbook of family vacation photos from the summer.

Pick an activity that everyone in your family can do and enjoys doing together. Find time once or twice a week to join together to foster your family hobby.


Family adventure

Doing something new or exciting together is sure to bring your family closer. If your kids are involved in adventure/nature clubs, volunteer to help out on a group camping trip, or plan an adventurous weekend outing of your own.

Camping with your family is a wonderful way to connect with your family while you reconnect with nature. While out on your adventure, engage your kids by asking for their help (“I could use a little help pitching this tent”) or pointing out interesting things (“Look, a bald eagle in its nest!”).


Family unplugged

To connect with your family, sometimes you have to disconnect. From technology. When you are having scheduled family time — whether you’re engaging in Sunday dinner conversation or game night fun — insist that cell phones be turned off or put in another room so your kids aren’t texting their way through this bonding time. They may growl at you now, but they will thank you later.

Find out how to fit in family time tonight >>

Regardless of the activities you and your family do, remember to use your time together to open the lines of communication. You can start out slow so your child doesn’t feel as though he is being interrogated. Simply talking with your kids every day (about big things or little things) can bring your family closer.

More on family time

Family time with fun and creativity
5 Reasons family time rocks
How to have a family game night

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