Kerri Walsh
Surprise! Volleyball player Kerri Walsh was five weeks pregnant when she won her third Olympic gold with Misty May-Treanor in London this year! She told Matt Lauer on the Today show that she didn’t know she was pregnant at the time, but was experiencing the early signs of pregnancy of being “moody and touchy” and she soon realized her period was four days late.
“I thought it could have been the stress of the games and travel kind of throws your schedule off, but I knew… At some point, you’re late and then you start feeling something. And I definitely started feeling something in London,” she said.
“When I was throwing my body around fearlessly, and going for gold for our country, I was pregnant, and today I’m 11 weeks pregnant,” Walsh said.
It sounds like this baby is winning gold in the womb!
This is the third child for Walsh and her husband Casey Jennings, who have two boys — Joey, 3, and Sundance, 2.
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