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Making memories: Celebrating baby’s first steps

Your baby’s first steps are one of the moments that you’ll always cherish. Soon, he’ll be walking everywhere. He’s not a little baby anymore — he’s now a toddler! Capture this special milestone through video, photographs and more.

From baby to toddler

Record it

The most obvious way to record and celebrate your baby’s first steps is in video. Thanks to smartphones and tablets, we always have a video camera at our disposal these days. Even if you only capture one or two steps on video, it will be a special moment that you can share with family and friends via email and Facebook, as well as show your baby when he gets older.

Journal it

On the day your baby takes his first steps, you’ll be beaming with pride and overflowing with emotions. Write down all your feelings in a special journal. Journaling is a great way to cherish all your baby’s milestones and achievements. You’ll enjoy looking back on the journal for years to come.

Capture it

A cool way to capture your baby’s first steps is with their footprints in the sand.

“Depending on the season, photograph your child’s footprints in the sand or snow as they learn to march through on their own. To show the small scale of their tiny feet, mark your own next to theirs and start clicking away!,” writes Kelly Bryant of Disney Baby.

Blog it

For moms that blog (professionally or personally), a special post devoted to your baby’s first steps is a must. You can write about your own feelings or make up a story from your baby’s perspective about his first steps. On your blog, you can also share the video that you recorded of your little walker.

Frame it offers a very nice First Steps Footprint Frame ($38) that features a lovely poem, as well as a place for your baby’s photograph and footprints. Also included is a child-safe stamp, instructions and an engravable plaque. You can find similar frames at other online retailers and local baby stores, or you can create your own.

Email it

Don’t just email the news to your family and friends. Also, send an email to your baby. Set up an email account with your baby’s name and then send him an email with your thoughts and feelings on the day he took his first steps. You can also send family stories, photos and other important tidbits from your life that he can enjoy when he’s old enough.

Quick tip

Even if you aren’t sending regular emails to your baby, it might be a good idea to set up email, Facebook and other social media accounts in his name. Though social networking sites might be obsolete by the time your baby is a teen, they might not — so it’s a good idea to reserve accounts in his name now. Also consider buying a domain name for your baby.

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