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Mom substitute: What would you outsource?

Rebecca Eckler, a writer and mother from Canada, recently admitted she hired someone to teach her child to ride a bike. We decided to ask moms what mommy duties they’d outsource if they could.

From potty training to bath time, what would you hire someone to do for you?

Mother of two Rebecca Eckler said hiring someone to teach her child to ride a bicycle was no different than signing her little one up for swim or music lessons. Her reasoning? She said she didn’t want to watch her fall why she learned. Seems understandable enough and begs the question: What else could we hire someone to do for us?


What mom hasn’t scratched her head as she’s stared blankly at her child’s homework sheet trying to recount the name of an eight-sided geometrical shape or remember the difference between a mean and a median and wondered if Googling the answer would be wildly inappropriate (maybe that’s just this mom!) Mom blogger Ellen Grossman admits she’d happily pay someone to help her kids with their math homework. “I haven’t understood it since they were in the third grade!” she laughs.

Homework help tips for every age >>

Dispense medicine

Trying to get a little one to take medicine can be one of the hardest things a mother will have to do. Think flinging arms and legs, screaming and tears (on your part and his) so it’s not surprising that some moms would hire out this duty. “Right now I would hire someone to get my son to take his cold medicine,” says Meredith Zolty. “It might involve a team of two or more and martial arts experience.”

Clean those pearly whites

Freelance writer and blogger Robin Farr says, “Can I have someone come over twice a day for about five minutes each time to brush my kid’s teeth? Not having to deal with the spitting and toothpaste trails would significantly reduce my stress level.”


Bedtime, more often than not, can be the antithesis of lullabies and soft lighting. Shara from Maryland says about her kids’ bedtime, “Usually it’s a straight-up disaster! You would think that I’m announcing the end of the world when it’s time to get ready for bed. Oh the screams of horror and dismay, usually all from the 3-year-old! I know there is someone out there who is so much more capable of running a smooth and peaceful bedtime routine, but it is clearly not me.”

The importance of bedtime routines >>


Michelle Morton, mother of three boys from North Carolina, has no qualms about the fact that she’d hire someone to do just about, well, everything:

  • Scrub baseball pants
  • Drive them around to their sports
  • Take pictures at the boys’ games
  • Then put all the pictures in a scrapbook
  • Clean the garage
  • Grocery shop
  • Cook dinner

Read more about mom support systems

8 Ways moms can find support
Why all moms need good mom friends
Chasing the Dream: How this mom helps other moms

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