Throughout my infertility journey I have learned so much about myself. One of the most important discoveries is to be my own advocate through education. With each new test or term I don’t understand, I not only ask my RE (reproductive endocrinologist), but I also turn to the library, bookstore and the internet.
Education is the best way to become proactive and empowered and in doing so, you’ll know you’re doing all you can to beat infertility. These 10 books will answer questions you may have and inspire you.
After being in the trenches of infertility for close to three years, I have read countless blogs, books, journals and studies on all things infertility. I’m always searching for the next puzzle piece, the next cure-all, the next answer. I love reading moving memoirs of heartache and ultimate success and devour books on Eastern philosophy and healing from the inside out.
I believe these 10 books should be on every infertile couple’s bookshelf.
Resolving Infertility
Written by a former executive director of RESOLVE, the National Infertility Association, Resolving Infertility (2001), by Diane Aronson and Suzanne Levert not only covers the medical issues, but the emotional, financial and legal issues surrounding infertility.
Inconceivable: A Woman’s Triumph over Despair and Statistics (2001), by Julia Indichova is the story of one woman’s triumphant, albeit heartbreaking, story of overcoming infertility. Even when five reproductive endocrinologists told her she wouldn’t get pregnant, she didn’t give up hope.
Conquering Infertility
Conquering Infertility: Dr. Alice Domar’s Mind/Body Guide to Enhancing Fertility and Coping with Infertility (2004) is a book about keeping it all together, when sperm and egg stubbornly and inexplicably remain apart, offering advice on coping with infertility in a more positive way.
Preventing Miscarriage
In Preventing Miscarriage: The Good News (2005), Dr. Jonathan Scher provides the latest medical information on preventing recurrent miscarriages. You’ll also read accounts from women who have experienced the heartbreak of miscarriage several times over.
The Infertility Cure
Another must-read for couples dealing with infertility is The Infertility Cure: The Ancient Chinese Wellness Program for Getting Pregnant and Having Healthy Babies (2005) by Randine Lewis, Ph.D. A licensed acupuncturist and herbalist shares hopeful and practical advice on healing yourself naturally.
Waiting for Daisy
Waiting For Daisy: A Tale of Two Continents, Three Religions, Five Infertility Doctors, an Oscar, an Atomic Bomb, a Romantic Night, and One Woman’s Quest to Become a Mother (2007), by Peggy Orenstein takes a very honest look at the challenges one woman faced while maintaining a refreshing wit.
To Full Term
To Full Term: A Mother’s Triumph Over Miscarriage (2007), by Darci Klein is another wonderful book for anyone who has experienced a miscarriage or is facing infertility. After years of disappointment and despair, this moving memoir is of a woman’s fight to bring her fifth pregnancy to full term after several losses.
Budgeting for Infertility
Infertility treatments can be very costly and Budgeting for Infertility: How to Bring Home a Baby Without Breaking the Bank (2009), by Evelina Weidman Sterling serves as a wonderful reference tool and must-have for anyone who has looked at a statement from their RE glossy-eyed and confused.
The Infertility Cleanse
After each failed cycle, I go on a major detox, clearing my system of all harsh chemicals. The Infertility Cleanse: Detox, Diet and Dharma for Fertility (2011), by Tami Quinn and Beth Heller has been instrumental in that process providing a step-by-step guideline for better eating, exercise and overall health.
What He Can Expect
Most books on infertility are targeted toward women; this one is for the men that are right there alongside us. What He Can Expect When She’s Not Expecting: How to Support Your Wife, Save Your Marriage, and Conquer Infertility! (2011), by Marc Sedaka makes a considerate gift for your husband or partner.
Without a doubt, communication is crucial to good healthcare, especially when dealing with infertility. When people take an active role in their care, research shows they fare better — in satisfaction and in how well treatments work. A passive patient is less likely to get well or reach their desired results. In an ever-changing field, the more you know, the better.
More on infertility references
5 Books for infertile couples
Best infertility blogs
The TTC dictionary: Conception and fertility terms and definitions
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