If you’re a SciFi or comic book fan, when’s the best time to introduce your kiddo to the nuances of geek culture in the form of your favorite films or television shows?
Some say it’s never too early — but there are a few things to keep in mind before you turn on the tube.
Your baby was just born, and you can’t wait to turn him into the little geek that is his birthright — science fiction flicks and comic book conventions have been a part of your life as long as you can remember. The good news is that you don’t have to plant your baby in front of the TV to start him on a Jedi adventure — it can wait until he’s older.
A super easy — and fun — way to bestow your SciFi or comic book love on your child is through apparel, and it can start at birth. Baby girls as well as boys can rock a Darth Vader onesie — and you don’t have to girlify everything you put on your daughter if you don’t want to, so don’t stress if you can’t find a pink Batman T-shirt. There are also all sorts of independent cloth diaper makers who can cater to your geeky side.
Most baby gear features traditional motif, such as pastel colors, ducks and teddy bears. Which is fine and can be totally adorable, but it may not be your cup of tea. Fear not, geek mom — for example, if you’re looking for a really unique diaper bag, check out Brooke Van Gory. She will work with you on a custom bag that will be out of this world.
You’ll have to check them out first, of course, but there are tons of books with TV show or movie tie-ins that you can start showing your kiddo when she starts becoming interested in her surroundings. Comic books are a favorite of boys and girls alike — just keep your child’s age in mind when choosing them.
The screen
When your child is older, he will probably absolutely love movies like Star Wars and television shows like Doctor Who. The main issue you will run into is that even some of the most benign-sounding movies may have frightening elements in it that can scare your child. Check out the ratings system and parental guidelines if they’re available, and view it yourself beforehand. You know what your child can and cannot handle, and proceed accordingly. Don’t let your eagerness steer you in the wrong direction — if it’s a little bloody, scary or violent, err on the side of caution.
A family affair
It’s so much fun to make geek-in-training a family affair. If you have older children, they will often delight in showing their younger sibling their favorite movies or shows. You can have family fun nights, with themed dinners, decorations and snacks (Yoda Soda and Padawan Pizza, for example — favorites with fun names).
Image: Baby Darth Vader costume (Party City, $20)
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