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Create a DIY kite craft

When kids are refusing to get outside, a great way to motivate movement is to make a walking kite. Using items around the house, you can create a great kite that will follow your kids anywhere!

When I browse the web for quick activities that my 4- and 2-year-old can do on their own and help keep their attention focused, I have trouble finding the perfect craft. Recently, I decided to let my kids lead the way in our craft-making adventures. Luckily for me, my 4-year-old is creative and loves arts and crafts. This walking kite is something she came up with, and it is one of my all-time favorites.


  • 2 bamboo barbecue skewers
  • 1 sheet of tissue paper
  • Dental floss or thread
  • Scissors
  • Glue stick
  • Patience

The one thing I love about this craft is that you don’t have to run to the store to find the materials. Most likely, all the items are already in the house. I am all about using what you have and not spending a lot of money. This is also called a walking kite because it is meant to get your little ones running around the block. When my kids don’t feel like exercising, the walking kite is the perfect incentive to make the outing much more fun.



Cross the two bamboo skewers and secure them with floss

Have your child hold the skewers together while you begin to crisscross about 20 inches of dental floss where the skewers touch, to keep the skewers in place. The waxy floss is helpful in gripping the wood.


Snip off the sharp ends of the skewers


Cut a slit in the skewers

Take the scissors away from the 2-year-old who got a hold of them while you were busy with step 2 and use the blade edge (like a knife) to saw a small slit in the wood, about 1/2 of an inch from each edge.

The slit will help hold the floss in place in step 4.


Create a diamond shape around the skewers with floss

Take another 20 inches of dental floss and, starting at the top, wrap the floss in the groove until secure, then move clockwise and secure the floss at each slit, ending again at the top where you tie a knot.


Trace a kite shape on tissue paper

Lay the kite down on your tissue paper (or newspaper or magazine page) and trace around the kite, leaving about 1/2 of an inch on the edge.


Cut tissue paper

Help your child cut the tissue paper.


Glue tissue paper

Help your child put glue on the outermost edge of the tissue paper, and fold each edge over the floss on each side.


Praise your kids for creating such an awesome craft without arguing!


Tie a length of floss to the spine of the kite

This will be the string your kids will use to pull the kite behind them. Make sure it isn’t too long so the kite is not dragging on the ground.


Decorate the kite and head outside!

Quick Tip

Our walking kites usually last a few trips around the block before the string breaks or some other tragedy befalls them. If you want to be Super Mom, carry a few back-up butterfly kites (also my 4-year-old’s creation) in your pocket. Simply cut out a paper butterfly and tie a length of string to it. They flutter beautifully and are usually a good enough replacement!

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Photo credits: Toni Bowers

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