3. Cotton ball lamb craft
What you’ll need:
- paper plate
- cotton balls
- craft glue
- black construction paper
- scissors
- googly eyes
- black marker
What you’ll do:
- Glue cotton balls to the paper plate until the paper plate is completely filled in with cotton balls.
- On the back of the construction paper, draw an oval with two smaller ovals attached to form the sheep’s head and ears.
- Cut out the head and ears, turn it over and glue two googly eyes to the front. Draw a nose and mouth on the sheep’s head and then glue the head to the paper plate.
- Cut four rectangles from the construction paper to make the sheep’s legs. Glue them to the bottom of the plate.
- Cut out a small oval from the black construction paper, and glue it to the back of the sheep to form the tail.
Updated by Bethany Ramos on 3/10/2016
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