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Celeb moms reveal tricks to looking 7 Years Younger

Cook shares with SheKnows the following 18 tips to look 7 Years Younger. Try to incorporate a few of these suggestions into your daily routine:

  1. Show some skin: Studies suggest that women who expose their arms and decolletage are perceived as younger.
  2. Short on sleep? Eye drops, neutral shadow, and a bit of bronzer on your cheeks can all make you look more awake than you feel.
  3. Smoking adds 2-1/2 years for every decade you puff. Kick the habit to the curb!
  4. Cut back on food products that list sugar among the first three ingredients: Proteins in skin react with excessive sugar, causing skin to age faster.
  5. Eat lean, protein-rich food to help decrease wrinkles. When grocery shopping, choose lean chicken, turkey, tofu, beans and seafood. If you swap out red meat for poultry, fish, or legumes, you can also trim your intake of saturated fat (the artery-clogging, inflammation-boosting kind) by 15 percent.
  6. Drink veggie juice. Sipping one glass per day makes it more likely that you’ll eat enough vegetables later, plus the juice can help boost your intake of healthy antioxidants.
  7. Snack on yogurt to protect your smile: People who consume 1?4 cup of yogurt every day are less likely to have serious gum disease.
  8. Little moves can add up to big benefits. Set your phone alarm to remind you to stand up, stretch, and walk around every hour. Try to walk 20 minutes every day. Always take the stairs. Moving vigorously and often in your daily life can burn up to 300 extra calories every day.
  9. Take up weight lifting. Sagging skin isn’t from aging; it’s the result of muscle loss — which strength training reverses! It also lowers blood pressure, boosts metabolism, builds bones and improves cognition.
  10. Say ohm. A single half-hour yoga session burns 200 calories, plus studies show that yoga practitioners are slimmer and more mindful eaters.
  11. To diminish brown spots on your face, look for a serum with ingredients like kojic acid and licorice. Apply it at night after you wash your face; the treatment will be more effective on clean skin.
  12. Exfoliate twice a week with a scrub, brush, or peel for softer, more glowing skin. But skip ultra-abrasive scrubs (apricot kernels, walnut shells), which can tear the skin and cause redness and irritation.
  13. Don’t skimp on sunscreen; sun damage is a primary cause of wrinkling, spots and skin aging. Devote one teaspoon to your face and one ounce (a shot-glass full) to your body.
  14. Aging hair tends to be dull and dry. Try a weekly deep conditioning treatment to add back shine and suppleness.
  15. Surround yourself with friends. They can help you live a longer, more fulfilling life. Treasure your old pals but look for new ones too! A wide-ranging social life can make you feel more youthful.
  16. Say your intentions out loud (no matter how silly you feel): Speaking them increases the chances you’ll actually act on them.
  17. Turn off your computer, tablet and smartphone an hour before bed. The light from these devices interferes with the production of sleep-inducing melanin.
  18. Keep calm and sniff lavender. Put a drop of essential oil on a cloth and slip it under your pillow to get a good night’s sleep.

For more diet, exercise, skin and hair tips, check out The New York Times bestselling anti-aging guide 7 Years Younger: The Revolutionary 7-Week Anti-Aging Plan.

Image credit: WENN

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