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Celebrity mom cover stories: Snooki, Kate Hudson, Jillian Michaels, Julie Bowen

Jillian Michaels

The Biggest Loser trainer Jillian Michaels admitted that parenting is kicking her (very toned) butt on the April cover of Fitness Magazine. Michaels, 39, is now the mother of two, having welcomed a baby boy named Phoenix with her partner Heidi Rhoades and adopting a 2-year-old daughter named Lukensia from Haiti.

How parenting is kicking her butt:

“I get up at 7 a.m. — after being up all night with the baby — and run around trying to get both kids diaper-changed, dressed and fed. Finally I’ll shower, and before I know it, I’ve got 50 emails to answer, and I need to leave for work. At the end of the day, I come home, and I’m like, ’OK, let me bathe you, change you, feed you, read you books, put you to bed’ — wait, how am I supposed to do all this? Son of a bitch, this is hard!”

On getting her kids to eat healthy:

“Lu knows that Sunday is her treat day, so she can eat ice cream or French fries or something. I don’t deprive her the rest of the week, I just stick to healthier options like sweet potato fries or graham crackers. I’ll make whole-wheat pizza with mozzarella, onions and butternut squash, and to her that’s pizza. I am a genius, a [bleeping] genius. I am so proud of myself because I have fooled her into eating healthy, and let me tell you, that kid is smart!”

On keeping her kids active without being all preachy about it:

“It’s about finding things your kids love to do. Lu loves horses, so I take her to the stables, and she loves dancing, so I put music on and she dances around the house. We run on the beach with the dogs and take her out to ride her tricycle. We just have a healthy lifestyle — we play! The baby is too young, but I have visions of our doing Brazilian jujitsu and capoeira together. Or maybe he’ll want to take ballet, and that’s OK, too.“

Check out the April 2013 issue of Fitness, on newsstands March 12.

Next up: Kate Hudson shares her post-baby fitness tips in Glamour

Photo credit: Fitness Magazine/Justin Stephens


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