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Arizona home schooling laws

Parents and caregivers who are looking to start homeschooling in the sate of Arizona have the benefit of fairly easy to follow requirements to start the process. If your child is between the ages of 6 and 16, you need to follow the following steps.

1)   File an AFFIDAVIT OF INTENT TO HOMESCHOOL with the County School Superintendent along with a certified copy of the child’s birth certificate within 30 days of starting to home educate (even if instruction is delayed until age 8).
a.  The affidavit should include: child’s name, date of birth, current address, and name, telephone, and address of parent.
b.  If you do not wish to begin formal education until 8 years of age, note this on the homeschool affidavit. (The affidavit must still be filed for children ages 6 and older, even if the parent elects to delay formal education until the age of 8.)
2)   Provide instruction in reading, grammar, mathematics, social studies, and science.
3)   Notify the County School Superintendent within 30 days of terminating homeschool.


If a homeschooled child returns to the public school system, the child can be tested by the school to determine their appropriate grade level. If you’re concerned about scholarships for homeschooled children in Arizona, know that homeschooled children are eligible for Regent Scholarships.


Have an athlete homeschooler? Arizona law states that homeschooled children who reside within the attendance area of a school shall be allowed to try out for participation in interscholastic athletic competition on behalf of the school.


Homeschoolers in the state of Arizona are not obligated to measure a child’s performance using standardized tests; however, these tests are available.


Upon graduation, homeschooled children will receive a high school diploma by passing a general educational development test. The state board of education may establish eligibility requirements for persons wishing to take a general educational development test, except that the minimum age required to take the test may not be older than sixteen. Additionally, the board cannot require the completion of any actual credits.


Arizona is, in general, a liberal state when it comes to homeschooling children.

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