Changing your look before or after your baby arrives can be a good thing. After all, your life is changing and your role in this world is changing. But is it the right decision for your face shape? Take a look at what these moms did with their pre-baby hair and see if changing your ‘do is a good — or bad — idea.
Prepping for baby
Cutting your hair before your baby arrives can give you one less thing to manage or worry about — if you go for a bob or pixie cut. The last thing pregnant mom Julie wanted to think about was having to style her hair after her first baby arrived, so she pulled the trigger pre-baby: “I had been wanting to go with a really short hairdo for a while, so I used my pregnancy and the baby as an excuse to finally go through with it.”
Stacey, on the other hand, decided against cutting her hair during pregnancy, saying, “I didn’t only because I look awful with short hair.” Mom of three girls Trista Oliva was thinking more about practicality than style when she cut her hair while pregnant. “I chopped mine off, about a week before my due date,” she said, “because I knew it would be awhile before I could make it back to the salon.”
Some moms prefer to wait until after the baby is born
Changing up your normal appearance can definitely help with those lingering postpartum baby blues. By pampering yourself and getting a new look after the baby arrives, it can help boost your self-esteem and make you feel fresh — even if you just clean up the ends and add a few long layers.
Sharon Pollard, a mom of two girls, preferred to wait until after her babies were born, “I got so bored with wearing it up in a ponytail and I think that cutting it shorter gave me some style.”
New mom Chelsea decided that sleep was more important than style: “I chopped off my hair after having the baby. I just didn’t have time for the whole routine anymore. When it’s a choice between sleep and hair, the hair’s gotta go!”
Best styles for your face shape >>
Healthy hair stays there
After months of religiously taking prenatal vitamins and sporting that beautiful pregnancy glow, some moms-to-be would rather relish in their shiny hair than worry about what they plan to do with it after the baby arrives.
Annie Frey is 20 weeks pregnant with her second child and plans to keep her locks long this time around: “This is the healthiest hair I grow! May as well grow it out while the gettin’ is good.” She’s not letting her long, healthy hair get in the way after the baby arrives, though. “I put it up a lot, which is easier for me,” she explains.
Face shape and pregnancy weight gain
Some pregnant moms-to-be cut their hair for many reasons — boredom, a desire for a fresh look or to prepare for baby — but what style should you go for? “It would take a lot more than just being pregnant to chop off my hair. Short hair looks fabulously chic on some ladies… I am not one of them,” says Tonya Staab.
Pregnant or not, hairstyles have a lot to do with face shapes and as any mom knows, your face shape can change quite a bit during pregnancy. With pregnancy comes added hormones, water weight and weight gain, all of which directly impact the shape of your glowing — and growing — face.
How to determine your face shape >>
Tell us
To cut or not to cut: Is it better to wait until you have the baby to chop your locks?
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The best hair styles for pregnant women
Slimming beauty and hair tips for pregnant moms
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