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Practical Stocking Stuffers Parents Will Be Thrilled About

The best part of Christmas morning may well be the stockings. And while it’s pretty easy to find gifts for certain people, there is one category of nearly impossible-to-shop-for people: parents. Because parents don’t need stuff; they need an entire day without having to say, “You’re OK!” They need eight hours of uninterrupted sleep — and to pee in peace. Since none of those things can be wrapped, where does that leave Mom and Dad? After all the stress and effort that goes into the holidays, the last thing your co-parent/sister/mom/dad needs is for you to fill a stocking with things just for the sake of… filling a stocking with things. Ya feel us?

So skip that leopard-print eye mask, put down the whiskey stones (seriously, what is it with the whiskey stones?) and back away from the novelty T-shirt that declares, “It’s wine o’clock somewhere.” We’ve rounded up the best practical stocking stuffers parents will actually be thrilled about. Ahead, you’ll find 15 awesome, legit useful little gifts that will easily crown you reigning holiday gift royalty. When you stop weeping with joy, read on to get started.

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