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Virtuous Vibes: Girl Names That Radiate Kindness, Empathy, & Strength

For a long time — we’re talking thousands of years — parents have given their children virtue names in the hopes of giving them certain qualities. It was a common practice in ancient Greece and Rome; in fact, the Greek name Arete literally means “virtue.” (Arete was a concept that referred to excellence, especially in morality.)

But it’s the Puritans who usually come to mind when we think of virtue names. Along with relatively tame and “normal” virtue names like Patience and Temperance, many Puritan families took it to the next level when naming their babies. One particularly notable example of this came from the 17th-century Barebone family; as if the last name Barebone weren’t enough, there was Praise-God Barebone, his brother Fear-God, and another family member named Unless-Jesus-Christ-Had-Died-For-Thee-Thou-Hadst-Been-Damned … which leaves us hoping there was at least a cute nickname involved (although even we’re drawing a blank for that one, TBH). Other actual, historically-documented examples of these extreme Puritan virtue names? Humiliation, Handmaid, Forsaken, and Helpless. Yikes.

As Puritanism (and its religious fervor) spread to Colonial America in the 17th and 18th centuries, virtue names remained popular. But as the religious fanaticism cooled off, so did the use of these names — and by the middle of the 19th century, at least in the United States, they’d been largely replaced in favor of names like Emma, Ida, Nellie, and Florence for girls and Walter, Frank, Joseph, and Henry for boys.

But as we know, when it comes to baby names, everything that goes out of vogue inevitably becomes cool again. And virtue names are no exception; they’ve been experiencing a resurgence in popularity lately — because at their core, they represent some of the most beautiful traits humanity has to offer. There are the expected virtue names that have withstood the test of time and remained fairly popular, like Hope and Grace, but also some unique options that you may never have thought of. Will they really give your baby girl the qualities the word embodies? It can’t hurt to find out!



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