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Brilliant Boy Names You Didn’t Know Were Invented by Authors

Whether it’s via the scratch of a quill pen, the clack of a typewriter, or the click of a keyboard, authors through the ages have been busy crafting stories that move us — and in the process, they’ve also come up with some pretty unforgettable names. For ages, writers have recorded history, spun epic tales, and captured emotions that we sometimes struggle to put into words. But beyond working their literary magic, they’ve also given us names that have stuck with us over time.

Most of the names we know today have roots in history, nature, or tradition. Alexander means “defender of the people,” Benjamin means “son of the right hand,” and so on. But the names we’re diving into here are a bit different — they were born out of pure literary inspiration, created for characters that jumped right off the page and into our hearts.

In this post, we’re sharing a cool collection of boy names that owe their origins to some seriously imaginative authors. These names were crafted for fictional characters and have since taken on a life of their own, embodying qualities like strength, mystery, and resilience. As you check out our list, you might be surprised by the backstories of these names — and the creative minds that invented them. So kick back and join us in celebrating how literature has a way of shaping not just stories, but our culture, too — right down to the names we love to use.

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