The breastfeeding portraits photographed by Ivette Ivens are absolutely breathtaking.
Crown of flowers
In each image, you’ll see a mother and her child, and you can preorder her 132 page, full-color book today.
In some, you’ll see a mother and two or more of her children.
Porch pair
The photos are ethereal and blissful.
Breastfeeding fairy
Some look like they came straight from a fairy tale.
This photo shows the photographer nursing her baby as a mama cat nurses hers.
Tandem twins
Other moms give two kids some time at her breasts, as this twin mom does.
Bright and airy
This mother-child pair looks heavenly.
At home
This gorgeous duo nurses at home on their porch.
Natural light
These two are highlighted by abundant natural light.
Glorious window
Here, the pair nurse in front of a glorious window.
Snowy scene
This mother is keeping her baby warm.
Snowy celebration
You can feel the joy this mom and her toddler feel.
Breastfeeding family
This mother tandem nurses while her older child envelops her with a kiss.
Bright eye
I adore this close-up photo of a mom and her nursing baby.
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