There are plenty of attentive, wonderful, supportive dads out there, and we absolutely love to see it. But there are also an unbelievable amount of men who seem to be actively trying to be the most garbage fathers possible, and Reddit is a hotbed for just the type.
From dads who neglect their infants to play video games to men who create “rules” for their stay-at-home wives, the following fathers are giving “scum of the earth,” and Reddit wholeheartedly agrees. Incensed mothers and wives have taken to the platform’s “Am I The A—hole” thread to share their woes, along with a few confused dads who just can’t seem to figure out that, yes, they are the a—hole in their situation.
One dad's refusal to turn his dog's room into a nursery has Reddit livid.
— SheKnows (@SheKnows) October 26, 2022
While we all love a juicy AITA post, the following stories are positively jaw-dropping in the most unbelievably infuriating way possible. One dad even takes frequent leisure trips by himself while his wife takes care of their three kids at home, and he has the audacity to tell her she needs to tighten the purse strings on her spending as if he isn’t the one traveling the world like he’s a bachelor. That’s just a cute little sneak peek of what’s to come, so brew yourself a tall mug of calming tea (trust us, you’re gonna need it) and buckle up, because these dads are seriously sending us.
Complaining About His Pregnant Wife
Being pregnant is tough — even for the partners of the mamas-to-be. But does that give you a right to complain about every craving, back massage request, or anything else? NO! You aren’t the one carrying the baby, so you can just keep your mouth shut. Unfortunately, this one dad on Reddit didn’t get the memo, and he has been treating his pregnant wife terribly.
The mom wrote that she is about 4-6 weeks pregnant with the couple’s second child, and the she is also mom to a child from a previous marriage. Her husband works a full-time job and that she runs her own at-home bakery and sells baked goods at farmers’ markets.
“Last night I was up until about 1 a.m. because I felt so bad I couldn’t sleep,” she wrote. “My husband comes home from work, and I tell him the dog has been crying the whole time he has been gone. He replied back, ‘Or maybe it’s [because of] that sh*t smell.’”
She explained, “He was apparently talking about the mint-scented oil I had on a cotton ball to keep me from getting sick. I tell him, a little angry, ‘That doesn’t mean you have to be mean about it because that oil is the only thing keeping me from getting sick.’” Some men are just so rude! Would he rather her just be throwing up everywhere?!
Oh, but there’s more. The dad also complained about her feeding her kids fast food for dinner “and that I had not done any housework or dishes (we have no dishwasher so I have to hand wash everything).” What, is she your maid or your wife? You could pick up a dish, sir.
Then — because as a man he knows everything, right? — he proceeded to question if she really was sick. ”He also proceeded to tell me the pregnant women at his work can do their job and don’t feel sick and wanted me to explain to him why this is,” she wrote. This is a man who belongs straight in the trashcan.
One person had the best response: “Lotta husbands out there pick up the slack when their pregnant wives are pregnant … The comparison game he’s playing is a dangerous one, I’m sure he wouldn’t like to hear about other husbands/partners who earn more, help more, and are better in bed.”
Read the full post HERE.
Telling His Daughter She Isn’t ‘Gifted’
This dad on Reddit is the type to end every argument with, “I’m older, so I’m right.” He loves bragging about his own educational achievements, while downplaying his daughter’s like a true a–hole.
The dad asked, “AITA for telling my daughter that she is smart and hardworking but not gifted?” Um, what? It seems like a no-brainer, but we’ll give him the benefit of the doubt.
First, he toots his own horn. “My wife and I both have electrical engineering degrees but I no longer work in the field and am a manager,” he said. Cool. That doesn’t give you a right to downplay your daughter, though.
He mentioned that his 17-year-old son and 15-year-old daughter are about to start college! He said that she’s ” smart and hardworking,” and is going to college at “an earlier age than usual.” He also said she had been in a school program for gifted kids. So why is he telling her she isn’t gifted?
At a recent dinner, his wife praised their daughter, and he rebutted: “I was also very happy but I said that while she is really hardworking and smart, I would not say that she is actually gifted and others [can] do it if they put in the same amount of work,” he wrote. Was that really necessary, sir? Last time I checked, it’s not a crime to praise your kids!
He came up with a bunch of excuses to downplay his daughter’s intelligence, including that the college she got into “does a lot to try to admit girls into her program.”
Read the full, blood-boiling story HERE.
Banning Spanish in His House
Redditors are calling this dad a “bully” after his wife wrote in about his controlling (and racist) play date rule for his 12-year-old son and his friend.
“She’s Hispanic and she sometimes says things in Spanish,” the mom explained about her son’s friend. “Whenever she says anything in Spanish my husband will ask her what she said, even if she’s in an entirely different room.”
Seems strange, right? The mom even gave an example: “She said something in Spanish, and he came out of the kitchen and asked her to repeat herself and explain the translation. I felt so embarrassed. She looked confused, and it was just so awkward. She wasn’t talking to him, why does it matter?”
When the mom confronted her husband, he turned on her. “I told him today that I would like him to stop, and he looked at me like I was crazy,” she said, adding, “I came away from the conversation feeling really stupid.”
Ugh, it’s so infurirating! What is this dad’s deal?
One person commented, “He bullies a child for speaking her native tongue. he bullies her even though from context, she isn’t being rude or disrespectful. she’s just expressing her happy little kid feelings, and he HATES that. he bullies and makes YOU feel stupid and embarrassed when you dare to speak up.”
Read the full story HERE.
Not Taking Medical Concerns Seriously
This Dad was an a–hole to his son’s friend, and we are seething. The man’s 16-year-old son was having a movie night with friends, and one friend, Matt, expressed concerns about watching superhero and horror movies. When the friends didn’t listen, he went to the dad for advice.
Matt told the dad that he was “really scared” to watch the movies because he has epilepsy and a lot of the films the boys chose have strobe or flashing lights.
“I said, ‘Why not just tell them?’” the OP wrote. “He said he was very afraid that once they knew, they were going to try to trigger him on purpose ‘for the lols.’”
The OP thought his son “would never do anything like that” (insert eye-roll emoji here) so Matt “basically begged me to switch just one movie so he could watch it with them and then he’d leave early (his logic being that if they didn’t listen to him about it, they’d defer to my authority).”
Instead, the dad put all the blame on Matt. “I suggested to Matt that if he really didn’t feel safe telling them to just close his eyes if he suspected a strobe/flash scene was coming up, and that if he still didn’t feel safe he could just go home.”
Such a jerk, right?
One person commented, “This poor kid was probably so worried he would be judged and ridiculed for this and you dismissed that. It would have been so easy to talk to your son alone and somehow have them switch the movie and not have it be a big deal.”
Read the full story HERE.
Left His Daughter at a Fair to Buy Beer
This dad was enjoying a nice Fourth of July fair with his 4-year-old daughter, when he got bored from waiting in line. So like any dumb, careless man would do, he left his daughter in line to go buy beer. Wait, what?
Yes, it’s true. He wrote, “I saw a beer stand near me and ask if they can watch my daughter in line so we don’t lose our place.”
It gets worse though, because the couple said no. “The dad tells me ‘you don’t want to leave your kid with me’ and stuff along the lines of you should take your kid with you,” the original poster (OP) writes, adding that he ended up leaving his daughter anyway for the beer. Like, what? Nobody wants to watch a stranger’s kid so you can go get beer, sir. This is just beyond horrible parenting.
One person commented, “YTA. Not for asking the initial time, but going through with leaving your 4-year-old in line while you get beer after the other family said no. Double AH for muttering insults when you returned.”
Read the whole ridiculous tale HERE.
Refusing To Turn His Daughter’s “Hobby Rooms” Into His Son & Grandson’s Bedrooms
This is one of those Reddits where you find yourself looking around for Ashton Kutcher because you’re definitely being Punk’d. Right? Right?! Please tell us that’s what this is.
One dad has a 39-year-old son, a 17-year-old grandson, and a 16-year-old daughter. The son, who we have to assume is going through some sort of serious situation, asked to move into his parents’ 4-bedroom house for a few months or a year. Unfortunately, the dad said, there isn’t room in the house because three of the bedrooms are used by his daughter. After all, it “wouldn’t be fair” to ask her to clear out her library and painting room so that her brother and nephew could have a place to stay.
“Painting and reading are her only hobbies and there is no other place at home to put them so she has to give up her hobbies for about a year,” he said.
“The poor girl!” we say with a major eye roll.
Reddit can’t believe this man’s outrageous display of favoritism and seriously messed up priorities. I mean, come on, how can her hobbies be more important than his son and grandson’s housing situation? Is this the Dursley household? While this daughter has multiple bedrooms, should the other family members just coop up in a cupboard under the stairs?
“Obviously YTA. How did you type this and not say, ‘Oh I see it now.’”
Read the full story here.
Missing A Pregnancy Appointment For An Unreal Reason
This Reddit post might actually make a great Saturday Night Live sketch if it wasn’t so infuriating. One father-to-be keeps missing his wife’s doctors appointments to spend time with friends. Why, he wants to know, would he have to go? He’s not the one carrying the baby.
“Last week was my final straw,” the mom continued. “He was supposed to come with me for the baby’s gender reveal appointment but he chose to not come last minute because his friend invited him to fish ‘n’ chips meal. I was pretty livid but didn’t make a fuss about it. Mom went with me instead.”
“Lmao THATS WHAT IT WAS FOR? Fish and F*CKIN CHIPS? Hahahahhaahahahahah I’d be like BYE BRO,” someone commented.
This woman is now refusing to share the baby’s reveal until they are born (Good for you, Mama!), and this man is furious! Well, guess what, dude, the internet is furious with you.
The “gender reveal” appointment is actually a full anatomy scan, one commenter explained.
“They check every organ and limb for potential issues, and as a side note, can also often tell you which genitals baby will have,” one person said. “So partner is not just skipping a ‘gender reveal,’ but leaving their pregnant partner to attend a lengthy appointment on their own, during which they could possibly receive concerning information about the development of their baby — if there are issues, it’s often during this scan that they are discovered. Partner is incredibly selfish, and showing their true colors.”
That. That. That.
We are wishing all the best for this mom and baby, but she should remember that if things don’t work out with this a—hole, there are a lot of fish (and chips) in the sea. Read the full story here.
Throwing ‘Em Back Even Though It Makes His Pregnant Wife Yack
Hey, you! Hey! Before you start reading this, go and grab a pillow or a plate or both. Seriously. You’re going to want something to scream into or smash (or both).
One dad-to-be is more devoted to his nightly drink than his pregnant wife, and we are absolutely FUMING. His wife is four months along and (understandably) can’t tolerate “even the smallest whiff” of whiskey. This is devastating for this future father who loves a nightcap. After finishing it off, this knight in shining armor would brush his teeth and use mouthwash so his wife wouldn’t barf when she saw him (how considerate!) to no avail.
“She still believes she can smell the faint whiskey, which makes her lose it completely.”
“Believes,” he said. Believes! As if blowing chunks is all in her head rather than all in the toilet.
“A couple days ago, I changed my clothes, showered after it and told her that ‘I promise the smell is gone,’ she proceeds to hug me and quickly runs to the bathroom… to vomit. She comes back to tell me that ‘she isn’t coming near me at night until this baby comes out.’ Proceeds to tell me that she was ‘right’ and that ‘I am being inconsiderate to her introduction to motherhood.’ Even though I think I am being overly considerate…She has proceeded to move into our guest bedroom until the foreseeable future, I told her she is overreacting and that it is quite disrespectful.”
Go ahead! Scream into the pillow! Smash the plate!
Reddit absolutely obliterated this guy (read the full story and best comments here), and we loved to see it.
“OP, if you physically CAN’T stop drinking to support your wife then you need to seriously ponder if you have an issue like addiction. If you don’t WANT to stop drinking to support your wife then SHE needs to seriously ponder if SHE has an issue like a selfish, narcissistic husband who is going to only get worse when a baby enters the picture. But fear not, you’ll be able to relax and enjoy all the nightly whiskey you like once you’re living alone. YTA.”
Calling Childbirth Nasty
One Redditor grossly misjudged how to answer his fiancé when she asked if he wanted to see their baby enter the world.
“I said ‘no, that’s nasty,’” he wrote. “Now she’s incredibly mad at me for saying that. She says it’s insensitive and an insult to the whole process of her bringing our child into the world.”
Come on, dude. Seriously? Even if that is how he feels, there are so many better things to say. Reddit said he could have told her he’d “rather stay up by her head to support her.”
“Or even an honest ‘I can’t see blood, I’d rather focus on you’ would be okay. But the initial reaction being ewww is so immature.”
And if OP thinks childbirth is nasty, he is in for a rude awakening. As one user pointed out, “kids can be 100x grosser.”
“Pee, snot, poop, vomit. You’ll have to deal with it all. Buckle up.”
(Read the full nasty story here).
Turning To The Internet To Find Out If His Pregnant Wife Should Be A SAHM
We are absolutely freakin’ over the cliché of a husband who tries to guilt trip his wife into being a SAHM. A husband who thinks his wife’s place is in the kitchen, not the C-suite. Like, seriously? Are we really doing this sh*t again?
One man on Reddit (Yes, he brought the “issue” to Reddit instead of talking to his wife) vented about how his wife is “point blank refusing” to stay home with the baby.
“It seems ridiculous for me to give up my job right now…This isn’t the case of I think she belongs at home rearing children and baking pies, but more so what’s financially better for our family.”
Ok so are you also “point-blank refusing?” What’s with the double standard, dude? And don’t play the money card with us.
“I would like to add and emphasize that it is EXTREMELY important for a stay-at-home parent to really, really, really want to be a stay-at-home parent or the child is going to suffer right along with the parent,” one commenter said. “It’s hard being with a baby all day. Really, really mentally taxing. The fact that she doesn’t desperately want to do it means she probably shouldn’t if working is an option. Her mental health also matters. And not wanting to be home with a baby has NOTHING TO DO with how much you love your child. It’s simply not for everyone.”
Read the whole ridiculous story — in which he grossly flaunts his wage, rejects the idea of being a SAHD, and belittles his wife accomplishments — here.
Emotionally Abusing & Manipulating His Hardworking Wife
This one requires a lot of deep breathing because of its emotional intensity. A young mom took to Reddit to ask if she’s the a—hole in her situation, and she’s anything but — she’s basically a saint, actually.
At her wit’s end, she wrote, “My husband does not help with the household whatsoever. Doesn’t wash dishes, do laundry, clean any room of the house, cook dinner, etc. He’ll get home and throw off his uniform onto the floor and leave it there until the next day. If the house is dirty, he’ll chide me and tell me that I don’t do anything, I don’t clean enough, I don’t cook dinner enough, etc.”
“Our biggest issue is the baby. I am the main caretaker for our son 99.9% of the time. I get up with him during the night when he wakes up crying. My husband will here or there, but he’ll start screaming at me about how he needs his rest and I need to get up. If our son is sick, I’m the one that takes off work.”
She continued, “I’m the one that gets up at 6 am and stays up with our son until about 12 pm-1 pm and that’s when I tell my husband he needs to get up and take care of the baby so I can take a nap (he sleeps anywhere from 8-14 hrs a day while I take a nap between 1-4 hrs). Once I get up, he complains that I’ve been sleeping ‘all day’ while he’s been taking care of the baby by himself and I’m lazy.”
The woman explained, “I paused [my husband’s] game tonight because every night we feed our son and give him a bath at 7 pm on the dot. He’s always had this routine. After I fed the baby, I told my husband that it was time for the bath (after I already laid out all the baby supplies and clothes for after bath) and my husband told me to ‘just sit the baby down in the playpen until he’s done with the game.'”
She continued, “I gently told him no, that it’s bedtime and I wasn’t going to shift our son’s routine so he could play the game for an extra half hour and my husband needs to learn to prioritize. I then paused the game and my husband flew off the handle, threatening to break my phone and refused to give our son a bath and called me lazy for not doing it instead.”
After being met with overwhelming support in the replies, the woman shared more information: “When I got pregnant, my husband (then bf) told me I had to get an abortion or he would not be involved whatsoever. I accepted that and decided to keep him on my own.”
She continued, “My husband then changed his mind and said he wanted to be a family and be involved, and that’s why we got married (so we could be stationed together). During my pregnancy, my husband constantly ignored me, ignored all my calls and texts. Constantly threatened divorce. It got so bad I was on the verge of getting an abortion at 5 months pregnant bc the stress was too much. He threatened to sue me if I did.”
“My husband has commented negatively on my weight, intelligence, dream career, my worth as a wife, woman, and mother,” she wrote. “I haven’t left yet because I was so broken down I was convinced I had nowhere to go and couldn’t do it without him, and that nobody would want me the way I am after having a baby (his words). After getting promoted last week, and having a job lined up after getting out, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I am finally ready to get out and let go. Ready to be free.”
For the complete rundown on the abuse and neglect both she and her son have faced, as well as the advice, encouragement, and praise given by fellow Redditors, read the full story here.
Telling His Wife, Who Is a Stay-at-Home Mom, When to Clean
This dad used to have a great arrangement with his wife, who is a stay-at-home mom to their two boys. She does all the childcare and cleaning while he works. But he decided to open his mouth and tell her when she should be cleaning, and whoa — it is intense.
“Since I am a stay at home mom he says that this is ‘my job’ and I need to treat it as such,” the mom wrote on Reddit, adding that her husband “does not help out with the cleaning or the kids.”
But one day, her husband started complaining about her morning coffee breaks. “Usually when I wake up I like to relax and drink my coffee and take my time,” she continued. “And then when my 1 yr old goes to nap, I start cleaning. It’s the way that works best for me. My husband thinks I need to start cleaning right after I wake up cuz ‘that’s what you would do at a job.’”
Someone suggested in the comments section, “Ask why he gets to clock out of his job but yours is 24/7.” And while she’s at it, she should ask him where her paycheck and PTO are.
“No, you have every right to be annoyed,” another person wrote. “If it were a regular day job, then you wouldn’t just start at a specific time — your shift would end at a certain time as well.”
Redditors offer more practical suggestions and hilarious quips for this exasperated mom. You can read our full write-up of the situation (and more info on the outrageous things this toxic husband does) here.
Choosing Video Games Over His Crying Newborn
This one’s a doozy. We’ve got a lazy and ignorant dad who ignores his newborn daughter’s cries to play video games instead. Not only that, but he also claims he’s exhausted from taking care of her when around friends.
The mother of the baby took to Reddit to write, “Ever since the baby was born my husband has helped very little. But when we have visitors or we are around our closest friends he makes comments like he’s the one who’s been up.”
She went on to explain, “[W]e started to continuously argue after he started to go back to playing video games. I know it’s his stress reliever… [but] he plays all day and doesn’t focus on the baby when it’s necessary.” Oh, it gets worse. The new mom added, “His excuse is she needs to cry to makes her lungs strong.” If your eye is twitching, don’t worry — ours are too.
She added a heartbreaking piece of information: “He’s the one who wanted a baby the most and is the one who helped me the least. At the hospital he was very supportive but once we were home it’s like a switch went off on him & forgot that in these moments I needed him the most.”
People flooded the responses with support for the mom, with one writing, “It’s very alarming in front of company [men] lie which means they know what they are doing,” to which another user responded, “Exactly. My ex would say stuff like he was tired etc and I was like from what, watching me be a parent??”
The poor woman detailed even more instances of emotional abuse and gaslighting in terms of both his parenting and partnership — get the full scoop on the situation and our scathing thoughts here.
Secretly Tracking His Nearly-Grown Daughter
A conflicted stepmom took to Reddit to express concerns over her husband’s behavior toward his nearly 18-year-old daughter, explaining that he bought the young woman a car for her upcoming birthday. Sounds like an amazing father, right? Hold your horses on that thought.
The concerned wife wrote, “I overheard him speaking with a friend of his about installing a tracking device in the new car. I was stunned. I brought up with him later at night and told him how wrong this was. He said it was non of my business but I told him that if and when [his daughter] finds out then there’s gonna be troubles.”
She continued, “I said I’d tell her but he told me to stay out of it since it’s his daughter not mine and that if I wanted to parent my way then I was free to have my own children.” The woman added a jaw-dropping, infuriating insight: “This stung because he knows I can’t have kids due to infertility problems.”
Redditers assured the stepmom that she is definitly not TA in this situation, with one user responding, “Once she is 18 consider that a) it’s you telling another adult what’s up b) if this were just about safety (vs. control) he would tell her himself: ‘I put a geolocator on it in case you ever run into trouble, here’s how it works.’ The fact that he is furious at the prospect of it no longer being secret is an enormous tell.”
Another user pointed out additional red flags: “This is a man who is doubling down on his loss of control over a grown woman fed up with not being able to make her own choices by making it clear he will never allow her to live her life without his approval. What would you do if Christine were a friend in a relationship with a man like this, and not your stepdaughter? What would you want her to do for you?”
To learn about the situation in full, including additional insights about the stepdaughter’s strained relationship with her father, click here.
Policing His Stay-at-Home Partner
A sleep-deprived and overworked stay-at-home mom took to Reddit to vent about caring for and entertaining her 15-month-old daughter around the clock with approximately 30 minutes of help from her husband on a good day. The real kicker though? He doesn’t “allow” her to turn on the TV while he’s at work, and he spies on her through interior cameras to make sure she’s obeying.
The mom wrote, “My husband is very controlling and does not allow me to turn the tv on during the day. I have tried to sneak it before and he caught me by hearing the sound of the tv when he was checking the cameras that are throughout our house.”
She continued, “This is a stressor because I would love to kill some time with her by plopping her down in front of the tv for 30-60mins. Even to just prepare a meal without her on my hip.”
People virtually rushed to her side, with one person responding, “Is anyone gonna mention the fact how INSANE it is for a husband to spy on you through cameras in your house and ban his wife from turning the TV on? That is so toxic I can’t even…”
Another user wrote, “I’m sorry but maybe you’re unhappy because you’re trapped in an abusive relationship. Your partner is supposed to be your teammate and collaborator, not your boss or your jailor.”
The OP responded with newfound determination, writing, “He will lecture me and it is the most annoying thing to listen to. I’ve made up my mind that today I am unplugging the cameras and chilling with my daughter while we watch movies all day. You’ve encouraged me.”
Get the full story on this overwhelmed mom and her trash can of a husband here.
Treating His Wife Like a Restaurant Hostess
A mother who works from home has had it with her absentee husband. The woman, who has two school-aged kids, took to Reddit to ask if she was the a—hole, writing, “[My husband] picks up the kids from school and then goes to the gym and/or the bar down the street… [and] he asks that I text him when dinner is done.”
She continued, “This annoys me right off the bat bc it is a lot everyday to get off work, open the door to your office, and immediately be thrown into watching kids and figuring out dinner. So to think about him casually sipping a beer and then just popping up to enjoy a hot meal doesn’t sit right with me.”
Redditers assured the frustrated mom that she is absolutely not in the wrong, with one person drawing a scathing comparison: “Some restaurants do this. When you come in, they give you a pager, and when your table is ready, they page you. He has mistaken you for one of those restaurants. NTA.”
Another user roasted the husband, writing, “Maybe tell him you would be happy to take turns. You might enjoy hanging out at the bar every other day, sipping beer while his lordship whips up a meatloaf. See what he thinks about that.”
The OP connected with one response in particular, which read, “NTA – I think it doesn’t sit right for a lot of reasons that have been mentioned, but the request for a text communicates ‘I don’t want to be at home a single second longer than I must be, so please alert me so I can maximize my away time.'”
If your blood isn’t boiling enough already, check out the full story on “his lordship,” as the cheeky responder appropriately deemed him, here.
Vacationing While His Wife Cares For 3 Kids
Buckle up for this one: A rightly pissed-off mom hopped on Reddit to vent about her husband, who frequently leaves her at home with an 11-year-old, a toddler, and a newborn while he takes trips for fun. Unacceptable, right? Well, it gets worse.
“The weekend before this last trip, he was super aloof, grumpy, and distant,” she wrote. “He chose to revisit our eternal argument over money and finances, and for the first time he directed his frustration at my spending habits. Essentially, I was left with the directive to stop spending so much money, and don’t I dare make it sound like he’s the one stopping me from spending.”
She continued, “I’m maxed out. Nursing around the clock. Potty training our toddler. Preparing to return to work. Doing all household chores and repairs. Getting our oldest ready for his first year of middle school… All without the physical, emotional, and now financial support of my partner. Do it all on your own, but don’t spend any money doing it. Convenience? Comfort? Activities? Not important.”
Redditers flooded the comments with disbelief at the husband’s frequent solo leisure traveling, with one person writing, “He’s not your partner he is living like a bachelor while you’re holding down the home and raising his children… Who cares about your spending, how much do these trips cost?”
One dad commented, “My wife would literally have had divorce papers waiting for me, taped to the front door that had its locks changed while I was gone,” and we hope this mom has taken inspiration from him. For more on this story, click here.
Paying For His Stepson’s Tuition — But Not His Daughter’s
One dad took to Reddit to ask if he was the a-hole because his head was so far up his own, he couldn’t quite figure it out alone.
After explaining that he has a daughter with an ex-girlfriend who he had split with before finding out she was pregnant and that he’s skeptical he’s even the girl’s father (yep, scum of the earth), the OP wrote, “I never really had a relationship with Darla but I would see her every once in a while when she was in my parents’ house with her mother.”
The man shared that he paid his stepson’s tuition in full, and that “Darla’s mom got very angry when she found out because I haven’t done the same to Darla. Apparently she’s going to college this year too as her mom didn’t had enough money to pay her tuition and she had to work to pay for it.” He’s such a fine parent that he didn’t even know his own kid was going to college.
One person gave him a much-needed reality check in the replies, writing, “You COULD have had a paternity test when Darla was born. You COULD have paid more to care for Darla, and gotten a parenting plan to allow you to spend time with your daughter at any time. You CHOSE to pay a minimum amount of child support and make excuses about your daughter. I can see why Darla’s mother doesn’t care for you.”
Another user cut the deadbeat dad down to size even further, commenting, “You ever wonder how your daughter feels about this? About having an absent father who practically denies her existence while playing doting dad to his step child?”
Read about the situation in full, along with other Redditers’ searing comments and more of our own thoughts, here.
Neglecting His Infant to Stream Instead
Some of these men are seriously giving gamer dads a really, really bad rep. One enraged mother took to Reddit to share that her husband has a YouTube channel with over 14,000 followers, and he regularly live-streams for them. She goes on to explain that she asked him to watch their infant daughter while she went grocery shopping, and he agreed.
“I was gone for 4hrs but kept calling him to see if everything was OK,” she wrote. “He’d tell me she was alright and that she was sleeping. I started getting this weird feeling something was wrong because she must’ve had been hungry or needed a diaper change.”
The OP trusted her gut and headed home to find her husband not only streaming rather than looking after his daughter — who the mom found to have a full diaper and an empty bottle — but doing so with his door shut.
“I was beyond seething, I barged into the office and saw him sitting,” she recounted. “I blew up while he was trying to turn his mic off and telling me to stop but I didn’t stop. I berated him for leaving our daughter unattended and with no milk nor diaper change. He freaked out on me saying I just ended his entire channel and destroyed his fan base for interrupting his live stream and embarrassing and scandalized him like that.”
People read the neglectful dad to absolute filth in the replies, with one user writing, “What he did was unconscionable, and the fact that he had an absolute TANTRUM and explosive upset over you potentially embarrassing him in front of his followers or ruining his ‘channel’ … and not the fact that HE LEFT HIS INFANT CHILD SITTING HUNGRY AND IN A SOILED DIAPER so that he could TALK AT A BUNCH OF COMPLETE STRANGERS is horrifying, and inexplicable by any other reasoning.”
We couldn’t agree more. Get the full scoop on this unbelievable situation here.
Refusing to Be at His Child’s Birth
One of our least favorite types of men is the kind who demeans women for natural processes of woman- and motherhood, and that’s exactly what this dad-to-be is doing to his pregnant wife.
The man took to Reddit to explain that he and his wife are expecting their first child soon, writing, “Recently we began discussing who my wife want in the delivery room. She wants both me and her mom… A bit weird in my opinion.” Yeah, we’re scratching our heads at his weird opinion, too.
“Anyways, I told her I don’t want to be there during the delivery. Only before and after,” the man continued. “I see no point in it. It’s not going to be beautiful, just messy.” Real winner, this one. As if he couldn’t get any viler, the OP wrote, “If her mom takes care and watches whatever mess happens in there, I’ll gladly take care of the mess that comes after pregnancy.” Excuse us while we let out a scream of rage into the void.
He continued with incredible ignorance, “My wife is visibly upset about this… She even told her mom so she’s mad at me too. Personally, I just don’t wish to see it. I’ve heard horror stories about what happens during labour… I don’t want to see my wife that way. WIBTA if I’m not in the delivery room?”
Redditers swiftly let the OP know he is absolutely an a—hole for this misogynistic take, with one person writing, “YTA. She wants you there for support, not to witness. You know you don’t need to have your face in her vagina while she’s giving birth right? You could be up by her head and holding her hand or encouraging her.”
Another user called out the man’s extremely poor start to fatherhood, commenting, “Fatherhood doesn’t start when after the baby is born and all cleaned up, it starts from when your baby is conceived and you need to step up and support your wife when she needs it.”
If this summary didn’t incite you with enough rage, feel free to read the full thread here.
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