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Gobble Up These Reddit Thanksgiving Tales & Be Thankful You’re Not Living Them


For many, Thanksgiving is a truly joyful holiday spent with loved ones, eating delectable harvest dishes, watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade followed by an afternoon of football, and giving thanks for all there is to be grateful for. But for many others, the day is an annual anxiety-inducing occasion in which family feuds are promised, pleasing everyone is impossible, and the hyped-up feast only results in nausea — if it can even be stomached amid the familial turmoil.

For readers who identify with the latter group, this is your reminder that you aren’t alone. Social media, for better or worse, is now a popular means of expressing holiday-related frustrations. Reddit, in particular, is a great place for people to roast their family members with more heat than that dried-out Griswold turkey — you know, the one that basically conveys the misery of the day by releasing a ghastly puff of disappointment, then promptly disintegrating in on itself? It’s all very bah-humbug, but you know what? The truth of the matter is that for a percentage of the population, the holidays just aren’t the warm, love-filled occasion they’re touted to be … and that deserves some attention, too.

So, if you’re in the group that simply tries to make the best of your dismal Thanksgiving gathering, we’ve rounded up a few stories that will help you commiserate and feel less alone. Hang in there, try to enjoy that turkey, and make yourself a stiff apple cider cocktail when you finally make it back to the safety of your own home. ‘Tis the season, after all.

A version of this story was published in 2022.

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