Reddit is a cesspool of stories about ridiculous people of all ages, but some of the most shocking are those about grown children acting like big babies.
They may have been coddled by their mommies their entire lives like these 15- and 18-year-old girls who refuse to eat anything other than chicken nuggets and pasta during Thanksgiving dinner (and talk sh*t about the host’s cooking when they don’t get their way), or they might have unfortunately just turned out to be a—holes despite having reasonable, loving parents. Sometimes it be like that, as the saying goes.
Regardless of the cause of their naughty behavior, these grown children will have your jaw on the floor with their audacity. If you have little ones, take note of these Redditors’ adult kids’ nastiness and all the red flags that come along with it so you can squash out any hint of similar behavior in your own kids. Lord knows you did not push a human being out of your vagina or have your guts removed for them to act like these fools!
Accusing Parents of Holding College Fund Money “Hostage”
One frustrated dad took to Reddit’s AITA forum to write, “I have a son that graduated this year from high school. … His college fund currently has almost $400k in it.” He continued, “Now that he graduated high school, he said that he did not want to go to college. [My wife and I] said as long as he was sure, he could whatever he wanted. He refused trade schools too. He also did not want to work with us in our business.”
“He said that he planned to use his college fund to start a business of his own,” the dad revealed, explaining, “I said that I will allow it only if he takes some Business Management, accounting and law classes in the nearby community college. I said that I would pay them out of pocket and not from the fund. And then I would expect a well made business plan before I would give him the money. My wife agrees 100%.”
Sounds totally reasonable, right? Apparently not to OP’s son, who “called us AHs for holding his college fund hostage to make him do what we want. We think we are just doing our best to make sure that his business succeeds. So, AITA?”
Fellow Redditor’s assured the dad that he and his wife are doing exactly the right thing. One user wrote, “You’re trying to help him get and stay on a good track on life. You even offered to pay for the classes out of pocket and not from the college fund. You’re trying to support him, but you’re also trying to stay realistic and make sure he knows what he’s doing, so he doesn’t make a $400k mistake.”
“OP doesn’t have impossible expectations,” another person wrote. “If the son wanted to get a business loan from a bank he’d be expected to provide a business plan as well. OP wants his son to succeed.”
Read more about this $400,000 question here.
Letting Her Husband Make Offensive Jokes Toward Her Family
One grown child took to Reddit herself to plead her case, explaining that her husband Mike is “a jokester” who routinely makes “jokes” about her brother Ethan’s adopted son Joey, which she writes Ethan and his wife have previously expressed feeling offended at.
OP explains, “Mike has been making silly, lighthearted jokes that involving (sic) Joey’s bio parents as a way to mess with Ethan and his wife. I already talked to Mike and I tell you that he’s 100% means no harm and he was just trying to get them to react.” Sounds… a—holey already, but the story goes on.
“[On] NYE, my parents hosted a big celebratory dinner,” she wrote. “While we were eating dinner, Mike decided to tell a knock-knock joke to Ethan. He said ‘Knock knock..’ Ethan laughed and said ‘Who’s there?’ Mike replied ‘Joey’s bio parents’ then he bursted out laughing. Silence took over and Ethan’s facial experssions (sic) changed.”
She continued, “His wife called Mike an ‘idiot’ to which Mike replied with ‘Hey…Relax it was just a joke.’ An argument ensued and dinner was paused. My parents suddenly told Mike to leave which I thought was too harsh. I tried to speak to them and get them to calm down but mom insisted that Mike leave. We left and Mike was complaining the whole time about how they overreacted.”
OP goes on, “I called mom later and she told me Mike was out of line with his hurtful jokes about this touchy topic and told me I was wrong for defending him and saying he was just joking. She said he ruined NY for the family but I told her it was her and dad who ruined NY celebration for escalating the situation and kicking him out. I told her he could talk to them but again they were the ones who ruined NY celebration. She called me delusional for this statement and hung up.”
Reddit mercilessly let OP have it, with one user commenting, “YTA. Your husband likes to hurt people. It’s nothing to do with jokes.” Another quoted her ignorant statement — “He 100% means no harm and he was just trying to get them to react” — and added, “The reaction is hurt. That’s the reaction he’s trying to get- hurt. If it’s not hurt, it’s frustration or annoyance. It’s sh*tty to purposefully make people feel hurt, frustration, or annoyance for your own amusement. Toying with people’s emotions is harmful. THINK OP. YTA.”
Another called out Mike’s behavior for exactly what it is: “A lot of abusers and bullies hide behind ‘it was just a joke, you’re too sensitive.’ YTA, both OP and OP’s husband.”
For more outraged commentary on this abusive situation, click here.
Chicken Nuggies at Thanksgiving Dinner for the 15- & 18-Year Old
Another man sought out advice from the “AITA” subreddit as well, writing, “My sister has 2 daughters who are incredibly picky eaters at 18 and 15 years old. My sister would come to family parties with a box of pasta and a bag of frozen chicken tenders that she will make for her daughters.”
He continued, “This year I told my wife we will not be letting my sister in the kitchen this year and the girls will have the choice of eating what I prepared or not eating. My sister accused me of being a cynic and getting joy from watching the girls be uncomfortable. I told her they are old enough to eat like adults.”
“The food I make is pretty standard,” OP explained, listing “roast, bbq ribs, cheesy potatoes, stuffed artichoke, breaded cauliflower, ratatouille, and salad” as his offerings. He shared, “The girls sat and ate bread and butter while telling me that my food looked gross. I looked to my sister to calm them down but they told me I deserved this and it’s not their fault for being picky eaters.”
“I know I could have just let my sister do her thing but it was the principle of the situation,” he wrote. “I’m not sure if I was being a petty a—hole or if I had a legitimate reason to be upset.” He added, “There are no medical conditions or food allergies [and] I made it clear to my sister in advance that I would not be allowing this. She decided not to listen.”
“NTA,” one Redditor responded. “You told your sister ahead of time that you would not allow her to use your kitchen. If she was that concerned, she could have declined your invite or fed her kids before showing up. Her kids being rude was uncalled for.”
Another user agreed, writing, “At 15 and 18 they should be able to eat more than just pasta and chicken tenders. Per OP’s comments there’s no allergy/intolerance, they’re just picky. And rude. Who sits at a table and talks about how gross the food looks??”
Read about the sh*tshow in full, including more scathing responses, here.
Going Back on Her Arrangement with Her Parents
A pregnant Reddit mom-to-be shared her conundrum on the platform’s “AITA” subreddit, writing, “I live with my fiancé Dan in the … house I grew up in, [which my parents sold to me] well below market value, in exchange for me hosting them when they needed/wanted to come into town.”
She explained, “I was talking to my mom about the birth and I brought up that I would like her to be in town when I give birth and to stay for a few weeks after. … I’d love for my parents to come here and help around the house, with the baby, offer me the emotional support I know I’m going to need, etc. My mom was excited that I was asking her to do this and said that she’d be okay with staying with us for a few weeks while we adjusted to the baby.”
“I then told her that I didn’t mean her staying with us, just in town, as I believe Dan and I are going to need and want alone time to adjust to the baby,” OP wrote. “My mom was a little offended, saying that she wasn’t going to bother us and she was going to help out, but I told her it was nothing personal, I just preferred if she got a hotel or AirBnB or something.”
She continued, “My father then intervened and said … he wasn’t about to spend thousands of dollars when I was asking them to come AND it had been our agreement when they sold me the house that they could stay whenever they wanted.” The mom-to-be explained with a sprinkle of audacity, “I just don’t want them in the house, but I do want them in town, and I feel a little sad that they are putting money above me and their grandson.”
Redditors put her in place, with one user writing, “It’s understandable to want privacy and time to adjust, and you are not obligated to have anyone in your own home that you do not want, but I’m astounded by your entitlement – you want your elderly parents to spend thousands to stay in an AirBnB during holiday season AND provide you with emotional and practical support while you adjust to parenthood? Have you forgotten who’s doing who the favour? YTA.”
Another called out OP going back on the arrangement with her parents, commenting, “You ASKED them to come, it’s not like it was them imposing on you right after you gave birth. You knew before you asked that the arrangement you have with them is that they stay in your home. It’s a lot to ask that they come and spend thousands on lodging so they can come help you clean your house and care for baby.”
For the full scoop and more thoughts from Redditors on this situation, click here.
Bringing Fast Food to a Wedding Reception
Weddings usually involve some level of drama, and thanks to this Reddit mom and her adult son, their family member’s nuptials weren’t any exception.
“My son (22m) is a picky eater,” she began, continuing, “My cousin was getting married and had a lovely reception with a nice buffet. ‘Johnny’ wasn’t a fan of what was served so I let him leave and get some food. Word spread amongst our family where he was going and a few people asked him to bring things back so he did.”
The mom explained, ignorantly, “We are at a table near the dance floor and you could probably smell it there but nobody in our immediate family had a problem (even the bride and groom). Apparently the venue and the family of the bride were appalled and I don’t understand why. It was a great party but he wanted something different and other people did too. So AITA?”
Users dragged both OP and her 22-year-old son in the replies, with one person writing, “He could have eaten in the car. So rude to the bride and groom, and whomever (sic) paid for his plate.”
Another Redditor asked, “If you were invited to a dinner party, would you leave halfway through to get fast food and bring it back to eat at the dinner table?”
And, summing it up perfectly, one person wrote, “Imagine the wedding you’ve been planning for years, the venue you’ve paid THOUSANDS for, the dance you’ve waited all your life for, smells like f—ing McDonald’s.”
Click here to read more ruthless replies under this mom’s clueless “AITA” post.
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