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All the Yummy Food Freebies Moms Can Get This Mother’s Day Weekend

Breakfast in bed is nice, flowers are appreciated, but what do moms really want for Mother’s Day? FEWER RESPONSIBILITIES! And if you can take something off Mom’s plate (like cooking!) — and do it via Mother’s Day discounts, deals, and freebies — that’s an all-around win. When you absolve her of dinner duty, give her a delicious treat, and save a little money in the process, that’s pretty much as good as it gets.

We’ve rounded up some of our favorite fast food joints and ice cream places that are offering a bit of something extra this Mother’s Day weekend, whether it’s a nice coupon or some free food. So treat Mom to a family-friendly dinner that she isn’t responsible for a.) planning, b.) cooking, or c.) cleaning up after, and that everyone will eat. Because home cooking is appreciated, but relieving some of the daily pressure on moms is the real MVP move.


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