There are so many clichés when it comes to wonderful neighbors. You can turn to them when you need a cup of sugar, they bring baked goods when someone new moves in down the street, and they give a friendly wave every morning when you head off to work or in the afternoon when your kid walks home from school. And sure, some of those tropes were born out of truth, and that’s wonderful.
But we know there are also pain-in-the-a** neighbors who are too loud, too noisy, or just too much. One pregnant woman on Reddit joined the “Am I The A—hole” thread to tell the internet about her neighbors who are too f*cking rude.
This woman is 8 months pregnant and feeling pretty uncomfortable. Luckily, she is fortunate enough to have a pool in her backyard.
“Being in the water helps enormously, so I like to spend a good chunk of time most evenings just floating in my pool,” she wrote, and there really are a whole lot of benefits to swimming while pregnant.
“I wear a bikini to do this because it’s about a million times easier than fighting with a one piece. The end result of this is that my neighbors get an eyeful of a large, pale (wear sunscreen, kids!), stretchmark-covered belly when they look in the direction of my backyard.”
The Audacity
OP went on to say that her neighbor recently stopped by her house and asked her husband if she could “cover up more” in the pool.
“Apparently they’re avoiding using their deck because seeing so much of my body is uncomfortable for them.” Is this a joke?! OP’s husband certainly thought so and started to laugh because how freakin’ ridiculous (and downright rude!) is that?
“They didn’t press, but now they’ve started giving me dirty looks whenever they see me,” OP wrote. “AITA for subjecting my neighbors to my pasty pregnant body on the regular?”
Reddit’s Ruling
Abso-f*cking-lutely not! The neighbors are 100% the a—holes here.
“Continue to float and use your pool at any time. Their request is ridiculous and it conveys shaming,” one person wrote, and we have to wonder if these neighbors would shame a larger person the same way or if this is reserved for the specific horror of a pregnant belly. “You are beautiful and about to deliver the life you and your husband have been waiting to meet.”
“They’ll probably be the sort of neighbors that will ask you not to breastfeed while sitting outside because they are offended,” another said.
And so Reddit is doing Reddit’s thing and brainstorming ways this woman can torture her outrageous neighbors.
“Have you thought about water birth? Specifically in your pool? That would certainly give them something to moan about lol.”
“It’s YOUR yard/pool. I’d go naked just to piss them off.”
Wearing What You Want
This woman should wear whatever the hell she wants and not have to explain herself, but as she said, “wearing a bikini…is about a million times easier than fighting with a one piece.” And the internet couldn’t agree more.
“I got stuck, naked, in a public restroom at 7 months pregnant trying to get into a one-piece,” one Redditor said. “I was so exhausted by the adventure I almost passed out. I may be a pale whale at 8.5 months but you bet your ass this whale is rocking a tie bikini.”
No one should have to wear anything they don’t want to — much less something that could make them pass out! — just so that others can feel comfortable.
These neighbors need to know that by asking this woman to wear something else, they are not only body shaming, but they could be asking for something that this woman just can’t do. She may not have the time, energy, or money to buy a maternity swimsuit, so (again!) they really need to keep their feelings to themselves.
If Jerk 1 and Jerk 2 really can’t get over the sight of a pregnant belly, they can — *pause for dramatic effect* — not look.
“F*ck them,” one person wrote. “If it’s that big an issue for them, they can stay inside.”
They’ll be better off and so will OP. After all, who wants to spend their day looking at an a—hole?
Side Note
Sometimes commenters share their own similar stories that are too good to bypass. One Redditor explained that she “made a very private backyard” so she can sunbathe topless and no one can see her.
“That is until my backyard neighbors got a trampoline for their kids!” she wrote. “They wanted me to stop because omg what if the little tikes saw BREASTS??? Oh, the horror! They threatened to call the cops – I said go right ahead. Never heard from them again and they eventually moved (I guess because I was corrupting their babies).”
Should there be a repeat, another user suggested the new family get rid of their trampoline.
“They’re far more dangerous for kids than boobies.”
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