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A Lying Mother-in-Law Was Exposed at a Sex Reveal & It Serves Her Right

One mother-in-law should be preparing to be a grandma, but instead, she is reprising the role of Pinocchio. Unfortunately for her family, she doesn’t have a tell-tale nose. Instead, it was a cake that brought her lies to light.

One pregnant woman joined the Reddit “Am I The A—hole” (AITA) subreddit to rant about her MIL.

“She was convinced that I knew the gender and insisted I tell her,” the original poster (OP) wrote. “I totally didn’t and I told her that fact.”

Following? This woman didn’t know the sex of her baby, so she couldn’t tell her MIL. And even if she did know the sex of her baby, she wouldn’t have to tell anyone if she didn’t want to. But pests will be pests, and after months of interrogating, this MIL wore OP down. She begged to know her grandchild’s sex and promised she wouldn’t tell anyone.

Even though OP didn’t know the sex and wouldn’t know until the reveal party, she told her MIL she was having a girl. “I figured it was a 50/50 chance and it would get her off my back,” she wrote.

And what’s the harm in giving a possibly-fake answer? Nothing, right? Because MIL will love this baby regardless. And since she promised not to tell a soul, she’s the only one who will know and be impacted. Right?!

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