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Sterling Mahomes Is in Full Potty-Training Mode & Progress Is Questionable

Sterling Mahomes is going through the oh-so-fun process of potty training, and not only are her pants full, but they’re also “on fire.” It’s a good thing she’s a sweet little liar, liar. Mom Brittany Mahomes posted a video on her Instagram story on Tuesday with Sterling sitting on her lap answering a very important question:

“Sterling, tell the people, have you gone potty on the big girl potty, today?”

“Yeah!” the 2-year-old said happily and confidently, flashing a big smile.

“No you did not,” Brittany said while Sterling kept insisting that she had.

Oof. What should have gone in “the big girl potty” was found in Sterling’s pants, and not only is that a bummer for obvious reasons, but we also have to assume the little fashionista was wearing something super cute.

“When you wake up from your nap, are we gonna go on the big girl toilet?” Brittany asked.

“Yeah, big girl toilet!” Sterling agreed with that same adorable smile.

And gosh, we hope the toddler kept her promise. Brittany has not updated her 1.3 million Instagram followers, and her husband Patrick Mahomes has been silent too, so we have our fingers crossed that no news is good news. Luckily for the family, Brittany does have a trick up her sleeve to at least keep the house safe from accidents.

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