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Mandy Moore Shares How ‘Utterly Nonstop’ Parenting Is & Moms Feel This on a Deep Level

No two parenting journeys are exactly alike. Your baby might sleep like a champ, whereas I’m up breastfeeding mine every two hours. Your baby might have colic or food sensitivities, whereas my baby might only sleep if someone is holding him. We may have different opinions on parenting strategies and have varying levels of childcare help, but there’s one thing we can all agree on — even celebrity parents. Parenting is a job that requires a 24/7, 365-days a week time commitment, and it can be exhausting! Mandy Moore opened up about how taxing it can be as a mom of two toddlers, and parents everywhere are nodding their heads over cold cups of coffee.

“These dudes rule my heart,” the Dr. Death actress wrote on Instagram about her two sons, August “Gus” Harrison, 2, and Oscar “Ozzie” Bennett, 7 months, who she shares with husband Taylor Goldsmith. “Each night, Taylor and I fall into bed after we’ve put them down; after we’ve straightened up from the chaos of dinner/bath and set up for the next morning and we chat about the day…. And just how utterly nonstop and gratifying it is.”

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I felt this on a deep level. Dinner and bedtime routines are simultaneously the hardest and most rewarding parts of my day with the kids, and afterward, my husband and I are just as drained as Moore and Goldsmith. It is utterly nonstop — especially when your parenting “break” is spent cleaning and getting ready for the next day. But it equally gratifying, and I love it! As a fellow mom of little boys, I know this tough age won’t last forever, so even though I am tired, I’m trying to enjoy it as much as I can just like Moore. I love how open she is even about the hard parts of parenting.

In her caption, she continued, “You never know what the day will bring and you roll with it to the best of your ability, right? All of that to say, I wouldn’t have it any other way. I mean, I do look forward to feeling moderately well rested sometime in the next decade? But 🤷‍♀️.” So, so true.

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