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One Mom’s Vengeful Punishment for Her Son Has Reddit Asking ‘Who’s the Child Here?’

We’re going to need you to brace yourself for this breaking news: Disciplining kids is the worst. Because no matter how many times you consult your conscience and reference your own childhood and look to pediatricians, books, and the internet for guidance (we see you doing the work!), you’re not going to get it right all the time. Plain and simple.

Because first of all, your plan of attack just might not work. Exhibit A: Prince William and Kate Middleton no doubt have every top-notch teacher and nanny and behavioral resource at their disposal when they can’t be with their children, and yet Prince Louis still displays the iconic antics we live for.

Or, your plan might be flat-out wrong. And while we’re not in the business of mom-shaming, Reddit thinks one mom was totally off base.

She joined the Reddit “Am I The A-hole” subreddit to find out if she was the AH for how she disciplined her son. The original poster (OP) has a daughter Mae, 13 and a son Mic, 9. When the two kids got into a fight, this mom took an eye-for-an-eye approach that was way off-balance — and didn’t teach the lesson she was going for.

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