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Reddit Is Applauding a College Student Who Got Revenge On His Parents in the Most Satisfyingly Petty Way

Even though they shouldn’t, some parents express favoritism for some of their children over others. The more blatant it is, the more hurt the lesser-preferred kids feel — and could anyone blame them? For one teen who recently moved out of his parents’ house to go to college in another state, his hurt feelings manifested in petty revenge, and Reddit is rallying behind his satisfyingly spiteful behavior.

Sharing his story on the platform’s “Am I The A**hole” (AITA) subreddit, the original poster (OP) begins, “My parents have a habit of buying gifts for me that are actually gifts for the family. My younger siblings get gifts that are just for them but more often than not whatever I get for my birthday, Christmas, or a special occasion is actually meant to be either shared with my brothers or the whole family,” he explains.

As an example, OP writes that one year his brothers got bicycles for their birthdays while he received a Nintendo Switch for his. This is no doubt a nice gift, but it came with a catch. “Whenever I was playing it in my room and my brothers wanted to play I was forced to bring it out so we could all play. But I wasn’t allowed to ride their bicycles,” he shares.

The teen goes on to explain that he’s moved out of state for college and is living with his uncle while working a summer job. Before leaving home, he packed his belongings, including the “gifts” from his parents, but “was told to leave the Switch since I would be busy with school.” Forget blowing off steam, having free time, or the fact that it was given to him as a gift — apparently his parents are the kind of people who reclaim gifts as it suits them.

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