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TikTok is Losing It Over This Refreshingly Honest Birthday Invitation: ‘Brought to You by Pinterest Fails & the Dollar Store’

Throwing a kids’ birthday party is … a lot. But are we the only ones who feel like the build-up to it — and really to any celebration you have to plan for someone else (we’re looking at you, bachelorette parties!) — is somehow the worst part? The anticipation (what will go wrong?!), the wrangling (who is picking up the cake and when?!), and the dreaded invitations.

Maybe we’re just jaded, but party invitations are such a headache. How many details do you include? Heck, what are the details? Do we mail ’em out or pass them around at school drop-off? Do we even do IRL invitations or are texts sufficient? And there’s the age-old question that applies to every message: How many exclamation points are too many exclamation points?!?!?!?! (Too much)?

A mom on TikTok shared a birthday invitation her kid recently received, and it’s *chef’s kiss.* It’s going viral for its sheer perfection, and we will definitely be using it as an outline going forward.  Commenters are obsessed with how honest it is and how it will (hopefully) bring everyone back to reality. “I’m glad a parent is finally lowering the standards/expectations because I’m done with these Pinterest/IG-inspired kid parties,” one person said, and we couldn’t agree more.

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