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A Man on Reddit Is Asking His Homophobic Parents to Make a Major Decision & It’s Clear They Already Have

After years of bullying, a man on Reddit is asking his parents to make what typically sounds like an impossible choice. But in this situation, Reddit says that not only is the answer straightforward, but that the choice has actually already been made.

The original poster (OP) is a 21-year-old man who joined the Reddit “Am I The A—hole” subreddit to find out if it was wrong of him to ask his parents to choose between him and his 24-year-old brother, Tim. And unfortunately, this request has been a long time coming.

“Ever since [we were young], he’s always bullied me for not being as smart as him, and sneering at my passion for sports,” OP wrote. “Our parents tried to stop him, but [living in an] Asian household meant they valued brains over brawn so he was always favored growing up.”

That hasn’t been the case recently since OP has a stable job and is “able to show his worth.” He loves his parents, but not his big brother, and honestly, we don’t blame him. It’s hard to love someone who has always looked down on you.

“The insults and jabs over 10 years are a sticking point,” OP said. Like it or not, a decade of microaggressions was bound to come to a head — and it came to a downright vicious one this weekend.

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