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Hilaria Baldwin Is Trying To Be Relatable, but Her Attempts Are Falling So Flat


Ah, balance. That elusive parenting goal that feels more like a pipe dream, where you have time to be present in your kids’ lives, be successful in your career, manage the home and your health, and, you know, pursue your own hobbies — all in one 24-hour day. It sounds great, right? And in pursuit of this practically impossible goal, you may be willing to look to pretty much anyone for advice … case in point: Hilaria Baldwin, mom of seven kids with husband Alec Baldwin. She was recently profiled for Romper about finding balance, and it was definitely not the relatable mom story she thought she was telling.

She starts out by saying “I balance time for myself while parenting by always remembering that I’m a person too” — but after watching Baldwin’s interview, we feel like she neglected to mention how she is truly able to find balance: by having privileges that most moms don’t have.

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