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A Self-Absorbed MIL Won’t Be Informed When Her Grandson Is Born & Reddit Says It Serves Her Right

There is usually (and unfortunately) nothing private about pregnancy. Heck, even before even becoming pregnant, people are sticking their noses into a couple’s family planning. Less than a month ago, we had to once again remind people that the question of when and if someone is going to have a baby is absolutely no one’s business except for that person, their partner, and any healthcare professionals they choose to involve.

When someone does get pregnant or is expecting a child, it is first and foremost their business and their decision on what to do with that information. They get to decide who knows. They get to decide when people know. And they get to decide how many people get to know. In case you missed the common thread: They. Get. To. Decide.

So one mom-to-be and her fiancé were understandably upset when his mother decided she was the gatekeeper of their pregnancy. And with her at the helm, that gate was wide open. The expectant mom joined the “Am I The A-hole” subreddit to find out if it would be wrong of her to not tell her soon-to-be mother-in-law when her grandson is born, and Reddit said the answer is straightforward.

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