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A Pregnant Woman’s Family Is Calling Her ‘Petty’ & ‘Vindictive’ & Reddit Agrees a Hamburger Is the Solution

There is so much for moms and moms-to-be to keep in mind when it comes to prenatal and postpartum eating. They are juggling food cravings and food aversions, harmful foods, and the enhanced need for proper nutrients. The last thing they need on their plates is family drama.

That being said, it makes us crazy when we see people on the “Am I The A-hole” (AITA) subreddit who are making mealtimes for moms even more difficult. There was the clueless husband who gave his friends the food his expectant wife explicitly said she was craving and would want when she got up from her nap, and then there was the outright horrifying husband who didn’t take his wife’s food allergy seriously when she was pregnant! Yup!

And so we were upset — but not surprised, sigh — when we saw a first-time mom-to-be on Reddit sharing the latest food fiasco she’s having with her mother- and sister-in-law.

The woman who originally posted (OP) said she has made an effort to learn how to cook meals from her husband’s home country. How sweet! “He never complains and has praised my cooking often. We have cooked meals together for dinner parties and no complaints.”

Well, she’s now getting complaints from elsewhere. Her husband’s family has come to be here for the baby’s upcoming birth and “help for a while,” and there has been a lot of commentary from the peanut gallery.

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