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A Man Is Timing His Wife’s Errands & Redditors Are Rolling Their Eyes at This Point He Wants to Prove

One incredibly “efficient” man posted on the “Am I The A—hole” subreddit on Sunday in a post that should not have taken more than 10 minutes to write. Since the average person can write 40 words per minute, and he wrote 400 words, the only acceptable time would be 10 minutes, right? Any longer and he must be doing something irresponsible with his time. He shouldn’t be taking breaks to think about what to say next. Just do and dash. Capiche?

It’s all about timing and efficiency with this man. And so while some Reddit posts are a slow burn, the quick-to-the-point title of his post instantly made our skin crawl: “AITA for doing the shopping faster than my wife?”

Annoyed already? We know we were. This 44-year-old man who was the original poster (“OP”) on Reddit has two children with his 34-year-old wife: an 18-month-old daughter and a 3-month-old son. OP works from home four days per week and his wife is a stay-at-home mom (SAHM).

“My work-from-home career only started when the pandemic began so before we got married and when we were dating and cohabiting I never did much major grocery shopping (apart from picking small stuff up on the way home) as my wife worked fewer hours than me and did it instead.”

Picking small stuff up on the way home! A saint! Well now that OP is at home, he’s becoming more aware of all the grocery shopping a family of four requires. And being the saint that he is, he’s ready to lend a hand (read: unsolicited condescending input)!

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