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A Grandma Is Seriously Overstepping Boundaries With Her Grandchild & Reddit Says Everyone Involved Needs Therapy

We feel lots of things when reading posts on Reddit’s “Am I The A—hole” subreddit. We feel angry and outraged and confused. We feel fed up with all the clueless dads and out-of-line in-laws. All-in-all, it’s somewhere in the “mad” category. Well, we recently found one that stirs up a lot of emotions but — for us and for many Redditors — it ultimately fits pretty squarely in the “sad” category for everyone involved.

One mom took to Reddit to vent about her own mother. The 28-year-old who originally posted (the “OP”) has a 5-year-old son, a 68-year-old mother, and a pretty upsetting sense of self.

“I was adopted and grew up the consolation prize for the miscarriage my mom had at 20 weeks,” she wrote. “We had to go to this fetus’ grave every year. One of my earliest memories was her forcing me to give my favorite stuffed rabbit to the grave. I grew up with her venting to me about how hard the miscarriage was, and I honestly think it was super inappropriate and it made me feel like a second option to what she actually wanted.” She then delivered the proverbial nail in the coffin, which was pretty clear from the first sentence: “I obviously was never good enough.”

All of that is extremely distressing and could be a post on its own. The current problem? Grandma is now sharing the family history in an incredibly inappropriate way.

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