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Two Moms Are Risking Their Co-parenting Relationship Over Baked Goods & Reddit is Whipping Up a Burning Critique

Co-parenting is a topic we deal with daily. There’s your classic “good, bad, and ugly.” And now we’ve come across the downright petty. A recent post on the “Am I The A—hole” subreddit is so infuriating and passive-aggressive that it has us rolling our eyes and yelling, “Seriously, ladies?! Seriously?” Because is a cake really enough to risk a co-parenting relationship?

A mom on Reddit came to the subreddit to ask, “AITA for Baking for my Children?” She explained that she and her ex-husband were married for 12 years and had two kids (ages 8 and 9) together.

“[We] got a divorce because surprise! (not to me) I actually was a lesbian all along,” she wrote on her post, which got more than 1,000 comments.

Her ex got remarried two years ago, and the custody agreement recently changed. For the past six months, the 8- and 9-year-olds have been staying with their dad every other weekend. The new wife has three t(w)eens from a previous marriage, but their custody arrangement isn’t “super consistent.”

“So I never know when they’ll be with their mom.”

OK, so the woman who originally posted (the “OP”) and her ex-husband have their kids on alternating weekends. And it’s up in the air which weekends all five kids will be in the ex-husband’s house. Well, whenever they are there, things get crummy. Or, apparently, not crummy enough.

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